Chapter 17

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-ghost's Pov-

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. My head throbbing as if a hundred knives were stabbing it.

I opened my eyes fully and looked around. It was small dimly lit room. My hands were tied above my head. I saw people stood around the room all in black uniforms and wearing masks.

Graves then walked in. "Well what has the cat dragged in?" He asked with teasing tone "seems we caught the big bad ghost".

I tried to pull against the ropes to no avail. "Get the fuck away from me!" I shouted as I kept trying to escape. Graves then kicked me in my stomach causing me to grunt in pain.

Graves then grabbed a bat then smashed it across my head. And I blacked out again.

-------------------time skip-----------------

I woke up a few hours later my headache worse than ever. I was instantly kicked again and again and again. "You will tell us what we want to know. If you want to live and see soap again." Graves mocked. "Don't you bring soap into this!" I shouted. "Should he be next to be captured?" Graves asking "maybe then you will be more co-operative".

I grunted as I got kicked again. "I won't tell you shit!" I spat. Graves smiled wickedly. "They all say that before the screaming starts" He said an evil grin on his face.

-------------------time skip-----------------

Everything was silent. Unusually silent. I just hung from the ceiling not moving. The ropes were digging into my wrists. I thought about soap and what he was probably doing.

I didn't show weakness. I refused to. A soldier walked in and started to interigate me, I didn't listen to a word he said, he asked me about our plans what the task force's next mission was.

I started get frustrated but I didn't show it. I just kept staring at the floor. He swung the bat into my stomach winding me. He then punched my face making my nose bleed.

-------------------time skip-----------------

It had been weeks since I had been captured. And I was still tied to the ceiling. They had barely given me food, just enough so I wouldn't die of starvation but enough to keep me weak, I looked at the food I was being fed.

Another round of interigation and a few gunshots. It was painful but I kept staying silent.

I could only hope that Johnny would find me. And soon.

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