32~ Maybe In Our Next Life

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"It's been so long since Ahin passed away. Everyone has been trying to move on with their lives.

After her death, the news reporters got to know that Ahin and Oh Nam Sun died

And apparently they both had killed each other. But what matters is that Ahin was able to do what she wanted to do the most

The news became a big deal. Even now when you're travelling on the bus you can hear someone listening to the same news,

"Kim Ahin and Oh Nam Sun were found dead. Oh Nam Sun was in his building and Ahin was found in the hospital, her friends have been mourning for her and we send our deepest condolences to them.

Kim Ahin was interviewed a seven months ago before the incident, and the public did not suppor her. After, there was a video uploaded on every social media platform, a person who claimed to be working with Oh Nam Sun and how he asked Ahin to be killed. The video showed all the recordings of Oh Nam Sun.

Where he clearly stated that he wanted Ahin dead. After that, there were banners and protests that said 'We want justice', the same banner that Kim Ahin had been making in the beginning asking for justice.

Thanks to Kim Ahin, we were able to track every illegal activities that were done in Oh Nam Sun's building. In his basement, there were coffin in which the bodies were kept of people that he murdered. More that twenty bodies were found and were identified as people who had tried to bring his wrong doings in light that he had murdered.

An 18 year old was failed by the justice system, the young girl thought that trying to go out of her way to ask for justice would help her but nobody batted an eye.

What does this say about our justice system? Does it mean that someone has to die for changes to be made? Is the government doing anything to save young kids from going through something like this?

These are some questions that we as an adult should ask ourselves, just like Kim Ahin had said, it could have been anyone, it could have been your kid. Does it make your heart crush only when it's about your family?

This has been Park Mikyong from ABC news and I'll see you in the next one."

Park Mikyong, bless her heart. She really helped Ahin with gaining the public's support.

Even after Ahin's death when Park Mikyong got to know, she herself willingly wanted to listen to what really happened with Ahin.

And she wanted to let the world know that how cruel this world actually is, and that nobody actually teaches us that sometimes you just cannot trust an adult.

Before leaving everyone, Ahin did make sure that she gave everyone a reason to carry on living and not in the business that everyone was already doing.

Sunghoon did indeed open his own café and is working as a barista in it, he named the same coffee that Ahin had, 'Ahin'.

His signature coffee is named after his best friend, and Sunghoon loves the fact that he can remember Ahin like this forever. He opened a few more branches all over the city.

There is this girl he likes and he is trying his best to win over her, let's hope he is able to win her over

Niki got into his dream college with ranking number 1, all over. His sister called everyone and thanked everyone for whatever they did for her brother

But for them it was just helping a younger brother. He now started his own business though it's just a start-up, he's still going good, he's going make it big definitely.

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