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For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:Ephesians:5:8

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Molemo lifts her body from the bed and rests her head on the headboard. She covers her mouth as she yawns and rubs her eyes. She looks outside seeing that the sun is shining as she rubs her elbows and gets up from the bed.

It is freezing as it was snowing but she realises it is 2023 and not 2022 anymore. She got her vision board done and she wants and needs 2023 to be a year of amazing things-peace, unconditional love, faith and trust -while it is about travel and food.

She wants to see what Europe can offer her and she cannot wait for when she gets the time to travel the country.

The door opens causing her to turn around and see Kylian holding a tray of food- eggs, pork bacon,beans and toasted bread with cheese on top while the beverage is a cup of coffee.

"Morning pretty face."

"Hello Kyky."She smiles and covers her mouth as she yawns again.

"How are you feeling- after seeing the news on social media?"

"I just woke up so I didn't have time to do that."Molemo explains as she takes the fork and begins to eat.

"Ohh,I see."

"Is it bad or good?"Molemo looks at Kylian and sees him looking a bit down so she figures it must be bad news.

"I don't know how you will take it but it's a video of you and me kissing."


"Is that all?"

"What more must I say Kylian?"Molemo furrows her eyes and Kylian rubs his head."I just woke up so can I please just focus on getting better from last night's alcohol and then we will sort this out? Please?"

"Of course."Kylian lifts his eyes and watches as Molemo eat her breakfast and finish.

He takes the tray and she takes the cup of coffee. She takes a sip of coffee until a phone rings and she looks at Kylian. Kylian quickly puts the tray of food on the bedside and takes out the phone.

"It's your dad."Kylian gives her the phone and she takes it. She slides the green button and puts it on her ear.

"Hello dad."

"Are you okay,I saw the video?Are you safe?"

"I just woke up so I didn't see the video. I am fine and yes,I am safe."

"Are you still with Kylian?"

"Yes dad."Molemo looks at Kylian and sees Kylian looking at her with a small smile."Why are you asking?"

"I just wanted to know since your aunty is at the penthouse causing unnecessary drama and I had to get away from her. Do you still feel the same about her and her daughter?"

"Yes dad and I am sorry but m-"

"You are past eighteen years now Molemo,just remember every action has a consequence and I love you."

"I love you too dad."Molemo replies as tears sneak out of her eyes causing Kylian to come next to her and wipe the tears from her eyes."I'll see you when you come back."

"Of course. Be safe Tadiwa."He dad calls her by her middle name that her mother gave to her.

Her father is a South African citizen while her mother was a Zimbabwean citizen,they got married and had two children while the other one passed away at birth and her mother died of cancer but Molemo feels like her aunty- dad's sister who is currently visiting had a hand in her mother's passing. That is why she doesn't get along with Lerato and also her aunty.

"You too dad."Molemo wipes the tears from her face and the call ends. She puts the cup of coffee on the bedside and gets up to leave the room. Kylian holds her hand and gently brings her closer to him."I miss her,Kylian. So much."

"I am sorry baby."Kylian wraps his arms around her neck and kisses her forehead. "I am here if you want to talk."

"Thank you."She whispers as holds Kylian tighter as she listens to his heartbeat.


She sits down next to Kylian who is watching Lakers vs Clippers game,she takes the white throw blanket that is lied across the couch and puts it on her and Kylian-to cover the both of them since it was freezing cold but luckily the rooms in Kylian's house were warm enough.

"Come here."Kylian motions for her to come closer to him and he wraps his arm around her body as he covers her with the throw blanket so she is warmer."I asked my IT guy to remove the video and the accounts in question will be reported and removed immediately."

"Thank you Kylian."

"I will be doing that a lot more than this time."Kylian holds her tighter and she laughs as she lifts her eyes to look at him.

"What do you mean by that?"Molemo keeps her eyes on him and sees him bites his bottom lip."Lottin?"She calls him by his middle name causing him to smirk and he feels his heart softened.

"I want to see you more in my life. When I was in Los Angeles,I couldn't stop thinking about you and your pretty face. Something about you Molemo attracts me to you and I know when I feel like this,I need to do something about it before some guy comes to you."Kylian holds her chin and she smiles."I'm playing tomorrow and I will love to see you there. What do you say?"

"I would love that. I can't wait to see you score."Molemo smiles and wraps her arms around his neck causing him to smile.

"And then after that I have a surprise for you."

Molemo backs away and stares at Kylian."What kind of surprise?"

"Nothing bad. You'll enjoy it."He replies and looks back the television as she does the same thing while wondering... What is this surprise?

According to Google Tadiwa means loved in Zimbabwean

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