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        The Blue Spider Lily.

Lithe fingers wrapped around the beautiful flower as E/C eyes studied it. She slowly plucked off one of the sapphire petals and brought it to her lips, putting it on her tongue and letting it dissolve. It left a burning sensation in her stomach, but she thought nothing of it as she did the same with the other petals until the flower was reduced to nothing but the stem. She let it fall to the floor, its once dangerous existence now meaningless.

Why was she eating the flower in the first place? It was simple, really. It was to keep him from finding it. She was tasked with destroying every Blue Spider Lily in existence so he wouldn't become immune to the sun.

She knew how dangerous it was. The man was after her, but she never worried about him finding her. That was because she had Yorrichi by her side, a recently recruited member of the Demon Slayer Corps. He was strong, stronger than any Demon Slayer she had ever met. If anyone could fight him off, she knew it would be Yorrichi.

She knew what happened to his wife and unborn child, and she felt extreme sympathy for him. She treated him kindly, though what she didn't expect was for him to return it tenfold. She thought that it was some sort of coping mechanism, and in a way, it was.

Yorrichi was still coming to terms with the death of Uta and their baby, but everything changed when he met her. She was just like Uta, though she was less energetic. Either way, Yorrichi vowed to never let her out of his sight. He couldn't let her go through the same thing Uta did...


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