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"You asked for me, Oyakata-sama?" Y/N asked, her head bowed in respect to the man.

Said man smiled. Though they were only five years apart, Kagaya saw Y/N as one of his own. He couldn't see her, but just years ago, when she was still young and he wasn't blind, he knew her as one of the most beautiful girls in the world, and even now, he still thought that, even when he couldn't see her.

"I did, my child," he finally said, nodding his head slightly, "I would like you to accompany two Mizunotos on a mission. People have gone missing around a certain mansion, and we have a strong suspicion that the one behind it may be a demon of the Twelve Kizuki, a Lowermoon or a former Lowermoon."

She nodded, glancing up at him with those E/C eyes that were shrouded in mystery.

"I understand, Oyakata-sama. May I take my leave?" she asked.

Kagaya nodded, cueing Y/N to stand. She bowed before seemingly disappearing into thin air.

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Y/N's footsteps were silent as she followed after her Kasugai Crow, a male carrion crow named Shinsuke that she adorned with a wisteria necklace, both for protection and to easily detect him.

As she made it closer to her destination, she could see figures start to form. There were four. No... she could see four, but she knew there were five. Four humans, and one demon.

In a swift motion, she unsheathed her F/C nichirin katana and lunged.

"Wisteria Breathing... Third Form..." she murmured, "Demon Repellant."

The sweet smell of wisteria filled the air as she targeted a brown box on the back of a boy. That was where the demon smell exuded the most.

The boy, however, was fast. He moved out of the way just in time, causing her to just barely graze the box. She ended up in front of two frightened little children. She looked at them for a moment before turning back to the boy. His hair was black and burgundy, he had on a black and green checkered haori, and he wore a pair of hanafuda earrings. She gasped slightly, recognizing them from somewhere.

"Who do you think you are?!" the boy yelled, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She noticed that he was covering his nose, leading her to assume that his sense of smell was sensitive. She could use that to her advantage later on.

The boy, on the other hand, looked at her with wide eyes. She was just so... beautiful... Ethereal.

Y/N pointed her katana at the boy, her eyes narrowed.

"What in the world would a
Demon Slayer be doing with a demon?" she asked, her face transformed into a scowl.

He gasped, his beautiful red eyes widenening even more than they already were.

"How do you...?"

"I asked first. Answer my question."

He hesitated for a moment, putting his arms up to show he meant no harm.

"... I... I am travelling with a demon... But please, you must understand! They're someone very important to me, and I want to find a cure for them!"

Y/N stood silently for a few moments, her katana still pointed at the boy before sighing and lowering it. Her of all people couldn't get mad at him for traveling with a demon. In fact, she was just as guilty as him. She made visits to two demons who she knew well: Tamayo and Yushiro. But that didn't matter at the moment.

"... I'm choosing to trust you. Don't make me regret my decision later on," she said, sheathing her katana.

The boy let out a sigh of relief and bowed gratefully.

"Thank you very much! Ah, where are my manners? I'm Kamado Tanjiro! It's nice to meet you!"

"... Y/N."

"YN? That's a beautiful name! Do you have a family name, or...?"



They stood there in an awkward silence before it was broken by a loud yell. Y/N quickly looked behind her and saw a boy with yellow hair and a matching haori. He looked frustrated about something...

"How come you're getting all the attention, Tanjiro?! What am I doing wrong?!" he whined, his eyes teary.

Y/N looked at him in annoyance before looking back at the two little children she spotted earlier. They looked terrified of her, which was understandable. She was about to go up to them and try to console him when she heard a loud thud behind her.

She hadn't noticed before, but behind her was a mansion, probably the one Ubuyashiki was talking about. But that's not what made the sound. Someone, seemingly from the mansion, fell on the ground, his clothing drenched in blood. Her brows furrowed in concern, and she ran over to check on him on the blink of an eye.

"Are you alright? What happened to you?" Y/N asked.

The man didn't respond for a few moments, his state much too weak.

"I finally... got... out..." he finally gurgled, his voice raspy and hoarse, "Hah... Hah... Finally... got... out... Got... out... side..." He slowly turned his head to look at her. "Am I... going... to die...?"

She pursed her lips, knowing fully well that there was no means of saving him. The nearest hospital was too far away, and even if it was close by, his wounds were too deep.

"Just close your eyes... Everything will be alright..." she said softly.

His eyes fluttered before eventually closing, his body going limp. As she laid his body flat on the ground, a loud drumming sound jolted her upright. She glanced at the mansion before back at the man.

"I will avenge you..." she whispered before standing, her hand on the hilt of her katana.

Without another word or consulting the Mizunotos, she ran inside of the mansion, ready for whatever came her way.

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ The yellow haired boy recognizes Y/N from Final Selection.
❥ Y/N knows three Breathing Styles: she first learned Water Breathing, but after seeing the Insect Hashira's Tsuguko learn Flower Breathing, she also wanted to learn it, but she didn't like it and made her own Breathing Style, resulting in Wisteria Breathing.
❥ Y/N's first uniform was very inappropriate, so she took the Insect Hashira's advice and set it on fire; her current uniform is the normal one.
❥ Y/N is wearing a haori with a wisteria design, which was passed down through generations.
❥ This story is loosely based on multiple different other stories.

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