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        Y/N stood, though she didn't know how. She panted heavily, tired from how much she was exerting herself. She didn't know how long she was fighting those two demons, but she knew that they dealt quite a bit of damage on the others. It was as if they were trying not to inflict anything on her, but that didn't mean that she wasn't left with a few scars and a bruised rib or two.

Y/N was used to getting a job done quickly; she liked to get things done with swiftness and efficiency. This was an unwelcome change of pace. To make matters worse, Zenitsu and Inosuke were heavily injured, and Tengen's hand was cut off. The only ones who still seemed to be capable of fighting, without counting tiredness, were her and Tanjiro.

She wanted to continue to fight... Tengen could do it, and he was missing a hand. Zenitsu and Inosuke could do it, and they had sustained so many more injuries than her. And even Tanjiro, who was just as tired as her, kept fighting on. But here she was, panting like a dehydrated dog. She felt pathetic.

Lightheadedness started to take over her. Y/N fought so desperately to not faint, to not look like the weakest of the bunch. But her body went limp anyway.

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        Y/N gasped when she awoke in an unfamiliar setting. It was... peaceful... So different from the battlescene that she was at just a few moments ago. It was a garden, but not just any garden. A garden that had Blue Spider Lilies everywhere she looked.

"Are you awake?"

Y/N gasped at the sudden voice, reaching for the hilt of her sword only to realize that it wasn't there. In fact, she wasn't wearing her uniform. She was instead wearing some red hakama with a white yukata.

"Do not be frightened. It is just me."

Y/N glanced around until she spotted a tree stump. Sitting on the tree stump was a woman who was plucking delicately at one of the Spider Lilies. The woman slowly plucked all of the petals, letting them blow off into the wind until there was nothing left but the stem. She let that, too, fly off out of sight. The woman sighed and turned to look at Y/N. She quickly recognized the woman as N/N, the woman who she saw in her dream on the Mugen Train.

N/N smiled and slid off of the tree stump. There was something so graceful about her that Y/N just couldn't put her finger on. Was it the way she held herself? Or was it her smile?

"Y/N..." N/N hummed, "I sense that you are ready."

"Ready...?" Y/N repeated, more curious than confused.

N/N looked at the ground, her eyes darting around, searching. They eventually landed on the brightest and liveliest Spider Lily of the field and plucked it. She held it out to
Y/N, who took it cautiously.

"You are ready for your power,"
N/N said, "Eat the petals. Consume their essence and carry out your duty."

Y/N wanted to question her, but there was something authoritative about N/N that reminded her a bit like Kagaya. She hesitated for a moment before plucking a single petal. She brought it to her lips and put it on her tongue, letting it dissolve. There was a slight burning sensation in her stomach, but it didn't bother her much. She looked at N/N, who urged her to eat more with a small nod.

So Y/N ate more. She plucked off the petals one by one and ate them. The burning sensation in her stomach grew stronger with each petal that she consumed. When she put the last in her mouth, the sensation was not only in her stomach but had now spread throughout her entire body.

"Good," N/N said, "Now, my dear, return to your battle and finish what they started."

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ Y/N despises being seen as weak or vulnerable.
❥ If you couldn't tell, Y/N felt tired because her powers were growing in.
❥ N/N's last words have more meaning to them than they seem.

❥ Y/N's powers come at a cost.
❥ In the 000 chapter, you may notice that there's a question mark behind the human in the species bit of the profile. Her powers (and more that will come in the future) explain this.
❥ I read the first chapter of this book that I got, and it had the word 'Demonslayer' in it. Thought it was kinda cool.

❥ I'm coming up with all of this at the top of my head

❥ Wattpad is such a pain in the ass sometimes. Like I don't want spaces between the Secrets 😭

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