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Mugen Train

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        The sound of Shinsuke's familiar cawing broke Y/N out of her state of meditation. It had been a few days since she visited Tamayo, and she hadn't gotten a new mission during that time, so she decided to lay low and relax. Shinsuke landed on her knee, fluttering his wings prettily.

"You are asked to accompany the Flame Hashira on the Mugen Train!" he claimed.

She nodded, patting the little swoop of feathers on his head before standing, causing him to take off again. He led her to this train, where the Flame Hashira was supposedly already at.

Y/N bought a ticket and boarded the locomotive, immediately feeling his strong presence. And hearing his booming voice... She knew which train car he was in just from his shouting. As she slid the door open, his voice became louder, and she spotted his unmistakable flame-like hair. He yelled "Umai!" after each bite of his food. Speaking of which, how did he get so many lunchboxes? Well... Hashiras were paid quite a fortune, so it really wasn't that surprising.

"Rengoku-san," Y/N said, walking up to him.

He almost immediately turned to look at her, his wide golden and red eyes reminding her of an owl. He had his characteristic grin on his face, as always. The two were acquainted, though they didn't really speak to each other all that much. Y/N didn't think much of him, but Kyojuro liked her! Maybe a little too much...

"Well, if it isn't Y/N-chan!" he laughed, "I told you to call me Kyojuro, didn't I?" He stood and offered the seat closest to the window. "Ladies should always sit furthest from the aisle!"

Y/N couldn't help but feel a bit flattered. He had a charm to him, even if he was loud and sometimes unpredictable.

"Ah... Thank you," she said, bowing before sitting.

Kyojuro sat back down next to her, crossing his arms.

"Anything for my favorite girl!"

'Favorite girl...? We barely know each other...' she thought, deciding not to question his wording.

The two made small talk, and Kyojuro even offered one of the boxes lunches, but Y/N politely declined. Kyojuro was very persistent, though, so she ended up caving in and having one.

When the train was getting ready to take off, she could see something out of the window. It was Tanjiro, Zenitsu, the boar boy, who she still didn't know the name of. She made a mental note to ask him when he got to their train car.

The train started moving, slow at first before picking up speed. Y/N yawned, wondering if the demon that was supposed to be on the train would show up any time soon.

The three boys boarded the train at the last second, and they found their way to the train car that Kyojuro and Y/N were in. Tanjiro sat across from them, putting the box that held Nezuko next to him while the other two sat in the booth next to theirs. Tanjiro looked extremely happy to see Y/N again, but he also seemed like he wanted to ask Kyojuro something. Y/N decided to ask him about the boar boy before he could talk to Kyojuro.

"Oh, him? That's Hashibira Inosuke," he replied.

"And... is he okay in the head?" she asked, looking at the boy who was now dangling out the window.

Tanjiro laughed nervously.

"I ask myself that too, sometimes..."

She nodded before looking out of her own window, feeling a bit bored. Kyojuro and Tanjiro talked while Zenitsu and Inosuke caused chaos. Her gaze landed on the box holding Nezuko, making her feel a bit curious.

"Hey, Kamado?" she asked.

"Tanjiro is fine!" he smiled, looking at her.

"... Is it okay to let your sister out?"

He tilted his head curiously and nodded. He opened the box, letting out a child-sized Nezuko. Y/N looked at her and held her hand out, wanting the little demon to come to her. Nezuko was more than happy to do so, and they got along quickly. Nezuko saw her as a part of her family while Y/N just appreciated the company.

Meanwhile, Tanjiro and Rengoku watched her intently. With her somewhat cold demeanor, she seemed to be very good with kids. Noted.

Eventually, the conductor came around to punch holes in everyone's tickets. Y/N thought nothing of it, but she did feel a strange presence coming from somewhere. The presence of a demon. She put her hand on the hilt of her sword, but Kyojuro stopped her, not wanting her to get her hands dirty just yet.

"Conductor! It's dangerous, so stand down!" he said, his flame-designed cape billowing behind him majestically, "It's an emergency, so I would prefer if you don't ask me why I have a sword on me!"

Y/N's senses were right; a big demon with two faces and horns on its body emerged from another train car. Kyojuro grinned even as he unsheathed his red sword, which also had a flame-like pattern on it.

"Big guy! Were you hiding your Blood Demon Art? It was hard to find your presence. However! If you're baring your fangs to innocent people..." His grin became a bit creepy as he continued. "... The red flame sword of Rengoku will burn you down to the bone!"

In a swift movement, Kyojuro decapitated the demon, leaving it to disintegrate. The boys, amazed by Kyojuro's skills, asked to become his disciple, calling him big brother and everything. Y/N glanced down at Nezuko.

"Boys, am I right?" she said, to which she nodded.

Y/N yawned, suddenly feeling really tired. It wouldn't hurt if she just... She leaned her head against the wall and rested her eyes only to fall into a deep sleep, something uncharacteristic for her. Could it be that... some other force was playing a part in it?

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ Kyojuro really wants to introduce Y/N to his younger brother!
❥ Kyojuro is going to be no better than Tanjiro.

❥ I get the feeling that this is going to be one of my shorter books.

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