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Thirsty for Knowledge

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        By the time Kagaya finished telling her the story, Y/N was a bit... disturbed. She knew her ancestors were tied to the Sun Breather, but she never would've thought that it would be in that way.

"... I apologize, Oyakata-sama... But how does this answer my question...?" she asked.

He nodded, still smiling gently.

"You do know how Kibutsuji wanted your ancestor, correct?" he asked, to which she nodded, "Well, ever since Yorrichi took away the first Y/N, Kibutsuji was afraid. He waited until Yorrichi was gone to pursue your ancestors again. But he never found them. And now, he's becoming increasingly more desperate to find you. I'm afraid that if we're not fast enough, he'll get to you."

"But... I'm not after the Blue Spider Lily... So why would he want me...?"

"That, my child, is still a mystery to even the likes of me. All that I ask of you is to be careful. You can never be too safe, even in your line of work."

Y/N nodded, taking that as a sign that their conversation was over. She bowed before standing and went to walk out of the building. As she slid open the door, Kagaya said something after her.

"If you wish to know more, consult Tamayo-san. I'm sure she knows more than me."

Y/N stood silently for a moment before nodding again and going outside. She slipped her zōri back on and started walking off. Not too long ago, Tamayo sent Chachamaru, their little tricolor calico cat, to deliver her a letter. They changed locations again, and she let her know. Using the information, Y/N set out to find her, her mind thirsty for more knowledge on exactly why Kibutsuji wanted her.

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ The reason why Y/N knows Tamayo is because her ancestors had ties with her.
❥ This chapter is really short, I know. 😔

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