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Lowermoon One

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Standing on top of the fast-moving train was a young man with black hair that was also blue and pink. His skin was pure white, and it was incredibly veiny. He grinned, his sharp canines showing.

"Being able to die while dreaming is a blessing~"

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        Y/N pursed her lips as she looked at the woman cautiously.

"Are you... also Y/N?" she asked.

"Call me N/N (Nickname) so we can avoid any confusion," she said.

Y/N nodded cautiously, still a bit wary.

"What's going on? Why am I here?"

N/N's smile suddenly fell, replaced with a serious frown.

"I've come to warn you. He's trying to trick you."

"What...? Trick me? Who?"

"Wake up."


"Cut your neck and wake up! It's the only way... Please trust me."

Y/N, though she usually didn't like taking orders from anyone besides Ubuyashiki, felt an overwhelming feeling to listen to N/N. That was when she realized that she was wearing her uniform once more, and her sword was back. She unsheathed it and held it to her neck, taking a deep breath.

'Please work...'

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        Y/N gasped as she picked her head up from Kyojuro's shoulder. She looked around, seeing that she was back in the Mugen Train. N/N was right... But how...? She decided not to worry about it since she had more pressing matters to attend to.

She could see that the others were asleep, too, and they all, including her, had a rope tied around their wrist. Each rope was attached to a child, each one having horrible bags under their eyes. She was going to cut her rope with her sword, but she got a sudden bad feeling, like if she did, something horrible would happen. She noticed that Nezuko was also awake and was looking at her with those big doe eyes of hers.

"Um... Nezuko-chan, can you help me?" she asked, a bit embarrassing.

Nezuko nodded, her brows furrowed with determination. She waddled over to Y/N and grabbed her tied wrist. She cut her own hand, dripping some of the blood onto the rope, making Y/N very confused.

"Um... Nezuko-chan, what are you-?"

She was quickly cut off when the rope burst into pink flames. So this must be Nezuko's Blood Demon Art... The rope quickly burned away, breaking Y/N tie to the girl behind her.

"Nezuko-chan, I need you to do an important task for me, okay? I need you to burn everyone's ropes like you did with mine. Can you do that?"

Nezuko nodded and quickly went to work, giving Y/N freedom to investigate. With her hand on the hilt of her sword, she jumped up to where the demon presence was strongest: the top of the train.

Sure enough, atop the train was a demon with short black hair and wearing a western tailcoat. He looked back at her with blue eyes. Y/N gasped, noticing the Kanji engraved in his left eye. Lowermoon One.

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ Nezuko is starting to see Y/N as her own person instead of a member of her family.
❥ Y/N's initially fell asleep against the windowsill, but Kyojuro moved her head so that she was resting against him instead.
❥ You guys may have noticed that I've been capitalizing Spider Lily even though it shouldn't be. That's because I want to show how significant it is to the story.
❥ I feel like whenever I write, it starts off really good before progressively getting worse. 😭

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