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Seeking Answers

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Rap, rap, rap

The western door slowly creaked open, revealing a familiar pair of narrowed lavender eyes. They softened when they saw who it was. The door opened more, revealing Yushiro. He was slightly shorter than Y/N by an inch, and his hair was short and pale green that faded to black near the tips. He was a demon, but she knew he wouldn't harm her.

"Oh, it's just you, Y/N-san," he said, "Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to Tamayo-san, if that's alright," Y/N replied.

He nodded and opened the door some more so she could walk in. She removed her shoes before walking further. She followed him up the stairs and into a dark room, where Tamayo was. She was a small demon, shorter than the Insect Hashira, but only by half-an-inch. She had long black hair that was tied up, and her soft eyes were two different shades of purple. She was also a demon, but she would also never hurt Y/N. She glanced over at the door, and her red lips curved up into a smile.

"Y/N, how good to see you again. Do come in," she said, waving her inside.

Y/N walked over and sat in the chair across from her. She wasn't too used to using western technology, so the wood felt more awkward than just sitting on the floor.

"Do you need something? You usually don't come here unless you have a reason," Tamayo continued.

Y/N pursed her lips, feeling a bit guilty for projecting this on Tamayo, but she needed answers.

"... I need to know why Kibutsuji is after me," she finally said.

Tamayo paused, her eyes widened a bit before they softened again.

"Ubuyashiki told you, didn't he? Well... I suppose it was inevitable. I'll tell you everything I know, though I can not guarantee you will find the answer you seek."

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Y/N stood alongside Yorrichi as she plucked at the Blue Spider Lily. The two were surrounded by tall stocks of bamboo, a perfect place for the flower to be hiding.

Something seemed to catch Yorrichi's eye, and she followed his gaze. She gasped, nearly losing her hold on the Spider Lily when she saw who it was.


The moment he saw the Blue Spider Lily in her hands, he was about to unleash his power, but then he looked at her face. He paused, looking into those frightened (E/C) eyes. Her delicious fear. He wondered if her blood would be just as enticing...

He decided he would keep her, torture her until she died, and take the Blue Spider Lily in the process. He was a force to be reckoned with, but Yorrichi was stronger.

Before he could land even the slightest scratch on her, Yorrichi sliced him up with ease. Y/N glanced to her side and caught sight of a young woman. She was small, with long black hair and eyes that were two different shades of purple. Her eyes were wide, and she was leaning forward, watching as Yorrichi brought Kibutsuji to the ground.

"What is the value of life to you?" Yorrichi asked him.

But Kibutsuji didn't say anything in reply. He just looked at Yorrichi, his crimson eyes filled with disbelief. That was when Yorrichi was about to finish him off, but he suddenly exploded into numerous little bits and pieces of flesh. There had to be over a thousamd of them, and even then, Yorrichi cut the majority of them. But not all of them.

Y/N could hear the girl start weeping, so she quickly ate the entire Spider Lily before going over to her. She placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, but she just sobbed and ripped at her hair.

"You almost did it..." she said in a shaky voice, "So he overcame the weakness of being beheaded... I wish that filthy man died! Kibutsuji Muzan!" She stood still for a moment, her eyes now wide with surprise. She looked at her hands in wonder. "I'm not dying... Why am I not dying?"

After she had calmed down enough to speak, she introduced herself as Tamayo. She worked under Kibutsuji, but she hated him with a burning passion. She agreed, albeit hesitantly, to help defeat Kibutsuji.

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"That was how your ancestor and I met," Tamayo finished, "Did you find the answer you seeked?"

Y/N was quiet for a moment before nodding.

"Yes, thank you, Tamayo-san."

She bowed before standing. Just as she was about to walk out of the door, Tamayo stopped her.

"Leaving so soon? Why don't you stay for a while? Believe it or not, Yushiro has missed you. He's standing outside of the door as we speak."

There was the sound of a yelp behind the door before rushing footsteps, causing Y/N to chuckle.

"Sure. I have nothing better to do, anyway."

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ Yushiro keeps multiple journals about how much he likes Tamayo and Y/N. He can't choose between them!
❥ Y/N was a bit surprised that Kibutsuji had such a shallow reason for wanting her.

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