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As One

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        Because of her surprise, Y/N's attack was delayed, giving the demon the advantage. She sent an attack Y/N's way, but she was so excited that instead of absorbing her into the obi, the demon cut her. She gasped, her body suddenly shaking. She seemed frightened about something.

"Oh... Oh no..." she uttered, her eyes wide with fear, "Oh, he wants you unharmed... If he finds out I hurt you... If it leaves a scar...!"

The demon's fear allowed Y/N to regain her bearings. She stood up tall and, with a swift movement, sliced off the demon's head. She stood behind the now decapitated demon, though something felt... off. That was easy... Way too easy... Was she like that demon on the Mugen Train?

Meanwhile, the demon just sat there, stunned. She didn't move or say anything for a while. In those few moments, as Y/N tried to figure out why she wasn't disintegrating, Tanjiro returned to the scene. His face was a little red, but it went away when he saw the demon with her head in her lap. He tilted his head in confusion, causing his earrings to make a little jingling sound.

That was when Y/N suddenly felt the presence of not one, but two demons present. She pursed her lips, her guard heightened immensely. Tanjiro noticed the way her scent shifted, and he also heightened his guard, ready for an attack.

All of a sudden, the demon hunched over, and a grotesque scene played out before Y/N: something was emerging out of her body. The second demon. He stepped out of the girl's body and gave Y/N a bored side glance.

He was tall and had grey skin. His hair was black, which faded to green near the ends and was tied up into a small ponytail. He was shirtless, only wearing some baggy blue pants and pieces of red cloth - one large one around his neck and three smaller ones around each of his arms. His anatomy was very weird - his upper torso, arms, and legs were extremely muscular, but his waist was incredibly thin, showing his pelvis, which was jutting out at an unnatural angle. And his face... Y/N didn't mean to be rude, but he was... unsightly. He had black spots dotted all over it, and it was just overall not the prettiest face. He was carrying two red weapons that Y/N believed were called sickles, though his looked... fleshy. His eyes also had the words 'Uppermoon Six' in them. He narrowed his eyes at them, growling and showing off his sharpened teeth.

"Which one of you made my precious little sister cry?" he hissed, "No, don't answer that... I'll just kill both of you."

He got ready to attack, but the female demon grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"No, don't, nii-chan! Muzan-sama wants the girl! We'll be dead meat if we cause her any harm!" she exclaimed.

The male demon glanced between the girls for a moment before looking at Tanjiro.

"I'll kill the boy, then... He'll only be a nuisance."

The male demon was about to attack, but something stopped him, and this time, it wasn't the female demon. It was Tengen, who arrived in the nick of time. He swung at the male demon, landing a blow on his body, but it quickly regenerated.

"Tsk... Who're you, interrupting me? So annoying..." he groaned, scratching at his neck. He got a good look at Tengen and looked even angrier. "Well... Look at you..."

He went on to compliment Tengen, but not in a way to make Tengen feel good. He was jealous. Envious. So much so that he unleashed an attack at him, making a nearby building crash into itself. When Tengen mentioned that he had three wives, it only made the demon angrier. He unleashed another attack, destroying another building.

"Y/N, get out of here!" Tengen yelled.

She was going to protest, but she noticed some small black beads between Tengen's fingers. She immediately recognized what they were and fled the scene, but not too far. As soon as she did, the building that Tengen and the demon we're in exploded. They were now on the lower floor.

Tengen stood before a huge ball made up of the female demon's obi. When it gave way, Y/N saw the female demon on the male demon's, who she assumed was her brother, shoulder, and they looked menacing.

"This won't easy on you," the male demon said, "Because we fight as one."

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ Muzan already knows that Daki hurt Y/N, and if she survives the fight, then he will kill her anyway

❥ Tengen helped Y/N when she was still training, which is why she knew what the explosives were.
❥ The Entertainment District arc is going going to be short, because there is no way I'm writing 20+ chapters of these people fighting

❥ Before some of y'all come at me for basically calling Gyuataro ugly, he canonically is, and I want to keep it accurate. Don't worry, he's also a cute patootie in my book <3

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