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        Y/N awoke with a gasp, her eyes wide and her body sweating rapidly. She was trembling, but not from fatigue. Power was reverberating through her every nerve, so much so that it almost overwhelmed her. Her heart was beating at an abnormal speed, so she couldn't tell if the slight burning sensations on her body were from that or from her newfound powers.

Her gaze fell on the demon siblings. Her allies... no... her friends were horribly injured, if not dead. It made her angry. So fucking angry. She didn't notice the lilac marks appearing on her skin in the shape of wisteria flowers, but even if she noticed, she wouldn't have cared.

Y/N's grip on her katana tightened, increasing pressure. The F/C colored blade started turning a blazing shade of red. She leaped at the siblings, one thing and one thing going through her mind: kill.

"Wisteria Breathing, Fifth Form... Droopy Death."

Y/N's speed and strength seemed to have increased tenfold. In the blink of an eye, both demons' heads were on the ground. Y/N stood before them, snarling at them in disgust. She crouched down near them and leaned in.

"Kibutsuji, if you're hearing this," she said, "I will find you. And once I do, I will destroy you. Count your days."

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ Yes, Y/N did unlock the Demon Slayer Mark and Red Katana via her powers (pls tell me if I make her too op, I don't want this to come off that way 😅).
❥ Y/N plans to make a new form in Wisteria Breathing that incorporates her powers.
❥ Y/N has never considered anyone a true friend up until now. She's only ever seen people as acquaintances, co-workers, superiors, or subordinates.
❥ Y/N is starting to consider joining the Hashira.
❥ Fun fact: in the beginning, I was going to say that Y/N was sweating bullets, but she isn't very familiar with western weapons, so I thought that was unfitting and changed it.

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