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Every Hashira participated in the training besides three of them: Giyu, Shinobu, and Y/N. Y/N didn't know what was up with Giyu or Shinobu, but she did know that she didn't want to train lower ranks. No, she wanted to train herself. The fight against Muzan that would ultimately decide the fate for the entirety of Japan was right around the corner, and she wanted to make sure she was prepared. So she went in and out between the various Hashira Trainings, knowing that she didn't really have to stay in one place if she didn't want to. Perks of being a Hashira.

She decided to take a small break from training and made her way to the Butterfly Mansion because she heard that Tamayo and Yushiro were there to help out. As she walked, Shinsuke flew above her, a letter in his talons. She grabbed the note, gently scratched his feathers, and read.

'Y/N. How are you doing? Do you enjoy being a Hashira? Unfortunately, I cannot move now. I want to talk to Giyu, but I can't do it anymore. This is a very important time now. I want everyone to work hard as one. Would you be willing to talk to Giyu? I want Giyu to stop turning his back on us all alone and face forward with us. Could you have a serious talk with him?'

When Y/N finished reading, she scrolled up the note and made a change of plans. She was heading to the estate of the Water Hashira now. Though she didn't know Giyu all that well, they didn't mind each other.

Y/N knocked on the door to his estate, but there was no answer, prompting her to peek inside. He sat on his knees in the middle of the empty room, looking off into nothingness. She walked inside and slid the door shut behind her. She made sure to take off her zōri before walking closer.

"Tomioka-san?" she hummed, walking up behind him.

He glanced at her with those sapphire eyes of his. Everything about him was pretty, from his hair to his haori. Y/N never understood why he was so distant, though she didn't question it since she was like that once. He looked away, refusing to meet her gaze.

"Go away," he said bluntly.

"No," she replied, just as straightforward.

She sat in front of him, noticing that he was making an effort not to look at her. So it wasn't that he had trouble making eye contact, it was just that he didn't want to.

"Tomioka-san? Why do you turn your back to us?" Y/N asked, "I'm not asking you to tell me your secrets... But why don't you want to help your comrades?"

He pursed his lips, slowly looking up at her. Ever since Giyu met Y/N when he first became a Hashira, he was drawn to her. He didn't know why. Something about her was just so... captivating. That was why when she asked that question, he felt like breaking down. Why everything spilled out.

How his parents and older sister were killed by a demon. How his best friend Sabito was killed saving him during Final Selection. How he felt as if he didn't deserve the position of the Water Hashira. How he felt as if he'd be better off dead.

By the time he finished talking, tears poured out of his eyes. No matter how hard he tried to hide them, no matter how hard he tried to stop them, they just kept flowing. All of the emotions that he kept bottled up were finally being released.

He was sure that Y/N would be disgusted by how weak he was. But when he looked at her, her E/C eyes showed nothing but sympathy.

"I... I can't say that I can relate to any of that... I was never really close to anyone, after all... I've always been very closed off..." she began, "But... Now, I realize that I have amazing people around me. Amazing friends. People who would have my back no matter what." She placed a hand on his shoulder and offered him a small smile. "We all want to have your back, too, Tomioka-san. You just have to accept it."

He looked at her with wide eyes, and a light blush dusted over his face. He sniffled and wiped away the tears that clung to his cheeks. Slowly, Giyu nodded, looking into her eyes.

"Right... I accept it..."

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ The only reason Yushiro was (slightly) excited to go to the Butterfly Mansion was because Y/N was sure to show up there sometime.
❥ Y/N finds the uniforms that Mitusri uses for her training embarrassing and refuses to wear them. She makes up for it by eating Mitsuri's pancakes.
❥ Y/N finds the training Demon Slayers a bit amusing, especially in the harsher levels.
❥ These next few chapters are prolly gonna be filler before the Inifity Castle Arc because I need Y/N to bond with the yanderes.

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