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Sengoku Era

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        "Mmm... Tsugikuni Yorrichi?" the young woman hummed, sounding the name out, "That's your name? It's so cute!"

The taller man looked down at the girl curiously, taking notice of the flower in her hand. It was... a Blue Spider Lily...? He was about to say something, but she was quick to stop him.

"I know Kibutsuji is after this flower... That's why I'm tasked to destroy them, one day at a time," she said. She moved the flower to her soft lips and bit off one of the curved petals, letting it dissolve on her tongue. "I know that I won't be able to get them all in my lifetime... So the task will be passed on to my descendants. But enough about me. Tell me about yourself, Tsugikuni-san."

She gave him a closed-eye smile as she bit off another petal from the flower. That sweet smile... It reminded Yorrichi so much of Uta... So, just like that, he spilled everything out.

How his pregnant wife, Uta, was getting close to birth, so he set out to find a midwife. How he got held up helping an old man. How, when he got back home, Uta and his baby were killed by a demon.

It brought tears to his eyes, something that didn't happen often. He glanced to his side and saw the woman hadn't moved or spoken, but rather lended a sympathetic ear. A shoulder to cry on. So that's exactly what he did.

When he pulled away, his maroon eyes reddened slightly, he looked into her pretty E/C eyes. They may not have been Uta's obsidian eyes, but they were beautiful just the same.

"... You never told me your name..." he murmured.

"Oh, yes, my apologies!" she said, smiling softly, "You can call me

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         "Yorrichi? Are you alright? You've been acting strangely lately," Y/N hummed as she played with the red tips of his long black hair.

"Huh? Strangely how?" he asked, leaning into her gentle touch.

"It's just... I don't know... You feel kinda different... You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

She gave him one of those smiles that made him swoon so much. She was right, as always. Yorrichi was different... He was falling in love with Y/N with each passing day, minute, second, moment.

"I'm alright..." he uttered, wiping a few stray H/C strands of hair out of her face.

"If you say so..."

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        He took her away... He took her away from him... When he took her back, however, he wasn't the same. And she was frightened of him.

Her attempts to run away were futile. She knew that, but she wanted to try and run away anyway. That only made things worse.

When Yorrichi caught up to her, he slammed her down onto the ground, panting heavily. Not from the effort, but from how she made him feel. His face was a deep shade of crimson as he looked down at her with wide, insane eyes.

"Y/N..." he growled, holding her close to his chest, "Why did you run away from me...? Do you not want my protection...?"

She thought he would protect her. She thought...

"Yorrichi, please!" Y/N pleaded, "We can talk about this! Just-"

She let out a blood curdling scream as the sickening crack of broken bones rang through her ears, quickly silencing her pleas and replacing them with cries.

He broke her legs.

"There... Now you can't run from me again..." he said, picking her up, "I can't lose you like I lost Uta... Not now, not ever."

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✿Sengoku-Era Secrets✿

❥ Yorrichi forced Y/N to stop looking for Blue Spider Lilies, married her, and gave her a single daughter, fulfilling Yorrichi's dream of having a family.
❥ If it wasn't obvious, (Taisho-Era) Y/N is named after (Sengoku-Era) Y/N!
❥ I'm just now realizing that this makes (Taisho-Era) Y/N and Muichiro distant cousins... I think I should make him platonic. 😃

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