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True Potential

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        Y/N stood in front of Muzan, her legs wobbly as she panted heavily. Despite all of Corps' best efforts... It still wasn't enough. The lesser swordsmen sacrificed their lives to try and help the Hashira succeed, and yet, they were all dead, if not heavily injured. Not only them. Tanjiro... Zenitsu... Inosuke... Genya... Kanao... All of them.

When the lesser swordsmen died, she managed to snag a sword and fight against Muzan, though it was incredibly difficult since she wasn't wearing her uniform. He overpowered her easily. Her best efforts went to waste. She was going to die there, feeling completely and utterly weak.

Now, standing in front of her were Muzan himself, along with the three Uppermoons. Then, out of nowhere, she heard a voice in her head.

"I didn't want to do this... So much power in such a short time... You could die... But this is our only option..."

At that moment, Y/N felt a rush of power go through her. She thought that what she felt back at the Red Light District was amazing, but now... She felt unstoppable. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as everything became so much more clear. And with that came memories. Not her memories, though. N/N's memories.

Memories of her first time eating a Blue Spider Lily. Memories of her joining the Demon Slayer Corps. Memories of her with Yorrichi, with Michikatsu, who she somehow knew as Kokushibo. Memories of N/N's encounter with Muzan. Memories of how Yorrichi took N/N away.

Y/N felt... angry. So goddamn angry. Muzan reached his hand out to her, as if to make an offer, but she swiftly sliced off his hand. He was regenerating much more slowly than before. He made a face  and looked at the Uppermoons.

"She's awakened her true potential... But she's just one girl. Capture her."

That was how she engaged in a fight against the three of them. Well, two of them. Akaza didn't really attempt to hurt her. But even then, three against one sounded unfair. It would have been, but Y/N dodged them with ease. She moved faster than ever before.

She reminded Kokushibo so much of N/N... His wretched brother took her away from him. He was always better than him, but why did he have to take that one thing away from him? It made him determined... Determined to claim what he believed was his right.

Douma had never felt so invigorated. Y/N was a special girl, the only person to ever make her feel emotion. It made him feel things that he couldn't describe, but he did know that he wanted them, and he wanted them now.

Akaza felt love once in the past... It just came to him, though he didn't know who he loved. Y/N brought back that emotion. She brought back his heartache, his desperation for love.

It was too bad that she slaughtered all three of them with just one movement.

When Muzan saw his minions fade to dust, he was surprised beyond belief. The sun would rise soon, and he still didn't have her in his grasp. His first instinct was to grab her, but someone stopped her from doing so. It was Tanjiro, who had awoken. He didn't do much damage, but he managed to distract Muzan just enough for dawn to break.

Muzan's eyes widened in horror. He screeched as the sun started to scorch his skin. In a desperate attempt to shield himself, he transformed into a giant baby. He tried to crawl away, to get into the shade, but by then, all of the Corps members had gotten up and did everything in their power to stop him. With the help of the Hashira, they stopped Muzan, and slowly but surely, his body crumbled into dust.

Y/N watched with wide eyes as the last bit of him faded away into nothingness. When that happened, she did something she didn't expect. She was happy. So happy. But when Muzan died, she started to bawl her eyes out. It wasn't just her, though. Everyone around her cried and celebrated. The sole mission of the Demon Slayer Corps was accomplished. They were done.

No... they weren't. There were still many injured to attend to. The adrenaline started to die down inside of Y/N, but her powers had heightened her senses, so she could hear snippets of what was going on. There were many casualties, including two Hashira - Gyomei and Mitsuri.

Her gaze slowly shifted to Tanjiro, who was missing an arm. He was slumped over. Pronounced dead. That was also when Nezuko ran to the scene. She was panting, out of breath, but Y/N could tell that she was no longer a demon, but a human. But all of a sudden... she felt the presence of a demon. She looked back in the direction of Tanjiro, her breathing becoming shallow.

"Tanjiro..." she uttered, slowly standing up, "Tanjiro!"

Tanjiro jolted upright. His eyes looked just like Muzan's. He grew his missing arm back, and with it, attacked the Kakushi who were near him. The sun started to burn his skin, but it stopped a few moments later. He was immune to its effects.

Y/N called out Tanjiro's name, but she stumbled. She felt... tired. The last thing she saw before blacking out was Tanjiro's demonic gaze on her, his new fangs bared.

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✿Present-Day Secrets✿

❥ Yeah, um... This chapter is really rushed, but this is the last one besides the epilogue. I'm sorry 😭 I'll try to make the next book better, I promise 🙏🏽

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