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Y/N could sense the presence of three different demons in the building, but for some reason, she couldn't find any of them. It didn't help that the walls were constantly shifting, probably due to one of the demons' Blood Demon Art.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance and made a small cut on her arm. Demons can't resist the smell of marechi blood, especially blood as intoxicating as hers. That was probably the one and only prospect she had in common with the Wind Hashira - their sickly sweet marechi blood.

As if one cue, two demons appeared before her - one with a freakishly long tongue and one that looked really bloated. She gave them no time to speak as she quickly decapitated them. Two down, one to go.

Just as Y/N was about to take off looking for it, something grabbed her hoari. She groaned and looked behind her only to see something she wasn't expecting in the slightest. It was... a human...? But not a human at the same time? It had a body like a human, with strong legs and chiseled muscles, but the head was that of a boar... No... As Y/N got a closer look, she realized that the boar head was, in fact, a mask, and he was wearing the pants of the Demon Slayer uniform.

"You took my kill!" he growled, raising two extremely chipped katanas, "You wanna fight me?!"

"... No...?" Y/N said in reply, glancing to the side.

He held the katana to her throat, but she was unfazed. He wasn't that much taller than her, maybe only an inch or two, so she had no problem throwing him on his back and running off.

He laid there for a few moments before laughing maniacally. He stood on his feet and chased after her, itching for a fight.

The boy was starting to get on
Y/N's nerves, but she knew it was taboo for Demon Slayers to fight each other, so she could only try to get him off of her trail while looking for the last demon.

As she passed by one of the doors, she felt a sudden presence: the third demon. Without any hesitation, she swung it open and saw that the room was being shifted every which way. A tall demon with tsuzumi drums attached to its body was moving its arms at rapid speeds, beating the drums methodically. Inside of the room was Tanjiro and one of the children - the little girl. They were being thrown around, but Tanjiro seemed to be starting to get used to it.

Upon smelling her blood, the demon quickly turned to face the door, throwing off his focus. Her made a mad dash towards her. Tanjiro, seeing this as his opportunity, swung his sword and decapitated the demon. As he landed, he made sure to avoid stepping on any of the papers that were on the floor.

"We're done. I should take my leave now," Y/N said, turning and walking out of the room.

"Hold on right there!" the boar boy, who was right behind her, said, "We're going to fight right here, right now! Or are you scared? I mean, who wouldn't be? I'm the Great Inosuke, King of the Mountains!"

Y/N looked at him with a deadpanned expression, wondering if the boy was dropped on his head as a child. Whatever the explanation was, she didn't feel like being there anymore. So she promptly ran past him and out of the building.

The boar boy was thoroughly annoyed, though he liked a challenge. Meanwhile, Tanjiro felt saddened about Y/N's departure... Wait, why was he feeling that way? He only just met her! But still... there was something about her that intrigued him... She was an ethereal mystery.

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✿Taisho-Era Secrets✿

❥ The boar-headed boy also recognizes Y/N from Final Selection.
❥ Tanjiro's going to be just as creepy as he was in the last books.
❥ I'm planning on adding in a lot of title drops, so be prepared!!

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