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Keith's pulse quickened as he made his way through the lively campus of Garrison College, his car packed to the brim with boxes of clothes, books, and an assortment of items he had meticulously selected for his college debut. Approaching the grand, ivy-covered dormitory that would serve as his home for the foreseeable future, a cocktail of excitement and nervousness washed over him. He was on the verge of meeting his dormmate, a complete stranger who would share his living space in the cramped quarters of their room. Taking a deep breath, Keith lifted the first box and ventured into the dynamic world of college, unaware of how his dormmate and the experiences ahead would profoundly shape his path.

As Keith ascended the creaky stairs to the third floor, the sounds of laughter and music from open doors hinted at the myriad lives unfolding within these walls. Room 312, his new domain, stood slightly ajar. With a deep breath, he pushed the door open. The room was already half occupied—posters adorning the walls, a laptop open on the desk, and a small jungle of potted plants claiming the windowsill. But it was the room's other occupant that truly captured Keith's attention.

His new roommate Lance stood by his bed, effortlessly charming even in the act of unpacking. Tall, with an easy smile and the kind of confident grace that couldn't be learned. He turned to Keith, extending a hand. "You must be Keith," he said as Keith shook the other young man's hand. "Welcome to the chaos."

The early conversations were the standard roommate negotiations—who gets which side, sleep schedules, a mutual agreement on the necessity of a decent coffee machine. However, beneath the surface-level civility, an unspoken rivalry began to brew.

Lance, with his natural charisma, quickly became a known figure around campus. His name whispered in corridors and his laughter echoing in the common rooms. Keith, on the other hand, though more reserved, proved to be exceptionally sharp, impressing professors and peers alike with his keen insights and academic prowess.

Their dorm room became a silent battleground of achievements and popularity. Each poster Lance hung seemed to carry a story of adventure, of lives touched and hearts won. In response, Keith adorned his side with awards and accolades, a testament to his intellectual victories and scholarly commitments.

The walls between them, though invisible, grew thick with the weight of unvoiced competition.

Roommates (Klance College AU)Where stories live. Discover now