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As they did up their bowling shoes, Keith glanced over at Lance, noticing a subtle shift in his demeanor. Gone was the competitive edge, replaced now with a relaxed, contented ease. Keith realized then that it wasn't just about winning or losing tonight; it was about sharing these moments, experiencing new things together, and making memories.

"Aw man," Lance whined. "I accidentally put your name in as the player one."

Keith chuckled. "I guess I'm up then." Their lane already had bowling balls left in it from the last people. Keith looked for a ball his fingers could fit comfortably in, then tried to lift it up with his fingers. Taken aback by the weight, he looked at the number to see it was a 15 ball. Keith, embarrassed, put the ball back down and picked up a new one, much lighter, and easier to hold. He watched the stance of the people around him as they threw their balls down their lanes. Keith, focuses, attempted the mimic the way they moved, accidentally throwing the ball right into the side gutter with a loud, echoing thud. The ball rolled lamely along the gutter before disappearing into the darkness at the end of the lane.

Lance burst out laughing, but there was no malice in it—just the pure joy of sharing this moment. "Hey, for a first timer, that was... well, it was a throw," he teased, still chuckling.

Keith turned, a sheepish grin on his face. "Guess I need a bit more practice," he admitted, unable to hold back his own laughter.

Lance clapped him on the back. "Don't worry, man. The night is young, and so is your burgeoning bowling career." Lance grabbed another ball and handed it to Keith, standing behind him closely. "Okay so, first of all, you're putting the wrong fingers in the holes," he said, holding the ball as Keith took his fingers out. "Put your middle and ring fingers and these two holes instead." He watched as Keith switched his fingers. "Perfect. Now, you need to run right up to the end of the lane, and wind up your power as you go if that makes sense."

Keith hummed, trying to listen and understand as his mind was only focused on the very close proximity of Lance. It was a strange mixture of concentration and distraction, feeling Lance's presence so close. He nodded, gripping the ball with his newly adjusted fingers.

"So there are little dots on the floor, see?" Lance pointed down at the end of the lane. "You need to throw the ball down the middle of the lane so, if you need to, use the middle dot as a guide. But don't keep your eyes on the ball the whole time, you need to look at the pins."

"Alright," Keith said, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Here goes nothing."

Lance backed up, giving Keith some space. He watched as Keith took a few hesitant steps forward, gradually picking up pace as he neared the foul line. Remembering Lance's advice, Keith swung his arm back and then forward in a smooth motion, releasing the ball with a bit more confidence this time. The ball rolled steadily down the lane, veering slightly but staying on course, finally hitting a few pins with a satisfying crash.

"Not bad, Keith," Lance said. "Not bad."

Keith sat back in cushy seats, as Lance walked up for his turn. Keith watched, his heart still pounding from the adrenaline of his first successful throw, as Lance took his stance with the ease of someone who had spent many evenings in bowling alleys. There was a grace in his movements, a confidence that Keith admired. Lance let the ball roll off his fingers smoothly, and it sailed down the lane, striking the pins with precision and knocking them all down in a clean strike. Lance jumped up, pumping his fists in the air, exclaiming in excitement.

"Looks like I've got some competition," Keith joked, his earlier embarrassment fading away.

Lance turned around with a triumphant grin. "You bet. But don't worry, I'll teach you all my tricks. By the end of the night, we'll be neck and neck." Lance offered Keith a little wink, which sparked a warm feeling inside the black haired individual.

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