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Lance - 12:34
Free to study together today??

Pidge - 12:36
you cant study with keith?

Lance - 12:36
Why would I even want to

Pidge - 12:36
well you used to constantky talk about how he's so smart

Lance - 12:37
That's not the point 😭

Pidge - 12:37
whats the point then?

Lance - 12:37

Pidge - 12:37
i thought you bonded

Lance - 12:38

Pidge - 12:38
pfft well how would you define it? youve been getting along, no?

Lance - 12:38
I guess?

Pidge - 12:40
wtv lol we can study together ig

Lance - 12:40

Pidge - 12:41
yeah, yeah when you planning on studying?

As Lance began typing out his reply, Keith walked out of the bathroom, letting the steam out. Lance let his eyes follow the male as he walked over to his dresser. Lance averted his eyes as soon as Keith dropped his towel, getting a very short glance at the other's ass.

Lance - 12:42
Yep thats good

Pidge - 12:42

Lance sneakily glanced back up at Keith from over his phone. He now had on a pair of sweats, and his back glistened with water, a few drops still trailing down his back. Keith picked up his towel and tousled his hair with it before bringing it down to rest around his shoulders. He used his fingers to get his bangs away from his face so he could apply his moisturizer on it. He quickly moisturized the rest of his upper body and turned around to go brush his teeth, but stopped in his tracks when he noticed the eyes on him.

Lance jumped and looked back to his phone, the screen black, pretending to be interested in something on there. Lance subconsiously glanced back up at Keith instantly though, his eyes widening at the dark marks on his collar. Lance's face paled and his grip tightened on his phone as a surge of jealousy coursed through him. The hickeys seemed to tell a story Lance didn't want to hear, a narrative of moments shared between Keith and someone else. Lance's heart hammered in his chest, a mix of hurt and anger bubbling beneath the surface. He couldn't believe Keith hadn't mentioned anything; then again, why would he? Keith had no reason to.

Keith's eyebrows furrowed as he caught the conflicted look on Lance's face. For a moment, he just stood there, towel still slung around his shoulders, contemplating. The tension in the room was palpable, a heavy silence falling between them. Finally, Keith cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Is everything alright?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of concern. He took a tentative step forward, the concern evident in his eyes as he tried to gauge Lance's reaction.

Lance's heart skipped a beat at the question, his thoughts racing. He was torn between confronting Keith about the marks or pretending like he hadn't seen anything at all. After a moment of hesitation, he decided on the latter, not trusting his voice to hide the turmoil he felt. "Yeah, everything's fine," Lance managed to say, though his voice was slightly strained. He forced a smile, hoping it looked more convincing than it felt.

Keith seemed to hesitate, as if debating whether to press the issue further or let it go. He then sighed softly, deciding to change the topic. "Alright, if you say so," Keith said as he walked back to the bathroom, brushing his teeth with the door opened.

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