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Keith gently pulled the condom off himself and tied it out of decency before throwing it out in the little trash can beside Tony's desk. Keith watched in silence as Tony pulled his clothes back on, the weight of the moment settling heavily on his shoulders.

Tony glanced at Keith, a small, satisfied smile playing on his lips, before he slipped under the covers of his bed. Keith watched him for a moment, the soft, even breaths Tony took as he settled down. The room was quiet, except for the gentle sound of breathing and the occasional rustle of fabric.

With a soft sigh, Keith moved closer to the middle of the bed, sliding in beside Tony. Tony, sensing his presence, instinctively turned towards Keith, cuddling up against him. His head found a comfortable spot on Keith's chest, and within minutes, he drifted off to sleep, his breaths deepening.

Keith remained still, letting Tony nestle closer, the warmth of their bodies mixing together. Keith sighed and carefully, so as not to wake Tony, Keith gently disentangled himself. He watched Tony for a few more seconds, committing the peaceful expression on his face to memory.

Keith silently got dressed, each movement deliberate, trying not to disturb the quiet of the room and wake Tony. Once dressed, he took one last look at Tony, sleeping soundly, a pang of guilt hitting him hard in the chest. Keith quietly made his way to the door, opened it with the slightest of clicks, and stepped out into the cool hallway, making sure the door was locked before he left.

The walk back to his own dorm was a quiet one, filled with reflections on the night they had shared. The guilt of his secret rendezvous with Maverick weighed heavily on him, adding a layer of complexity to his relationship with Tony, whatever it was. Keith knew the depth of the friendship between Tony and Maverick, a bond that seemed unbreakable, and yet, here he was, standing in the middle of it, holding secrets from both sides.

The thought of being the reason for a potential rift between the two friends was a burden Keith found increasingly difficult to bear. Each moment spent with Maverick was tinged with the guilt of what it could mean if Tony ever found out. The fear of losing Tony, of destroying the trust and the special moments they shared, tormented Keith. Yet, the connection with Maverick had grown into something he couldn't simply walk away from.

As Keith neared his dormitory building, his phone began ringing. Keith, confused, pulled his phone out and clicked his tongue as a smile crept up on his face. He answered the phone and out it up to his ear. "Hello?"

Lance's voice came through clearly, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Where have you been, man? I've can see you doing the walk of shame from the window."

"Uh, just out for a late-night walk," Keith replied, trying to sound casual.

"Sure, a 'walk'." Lance chuckled. "Well, hurry up and get in here. It's cold tonight, and I've got the heater cranked up."

Keith couldn't help but smile at Lance's typical disregard for subtlety. "Thanks, I'll be right there." Ending the call, Keith quickened his pace, the warmth of the dorm building calling to him. Lance, ever the observant roommate, probably had his suspicions, but Keith wasn't ready to share the complexities of his relationships just yet.

As Keith entered the building, the warmth enveloped him, a stark contrast to the chilly air outside. He made his way up to their room, finding Lance sprawled across his own bed, a textbook open but largely ignored as he played with his phone.

Keith tossed his jacket onto his own bed and settled into the desk chair, a sense of relief washing over him at being back in the familiar comfort of his dorm room.

Lance glanced up from his phone, raising an eyebrow at Keith. "So, spill. What were you really doing out there?"

Keith hesitated for a moment, debating how much to reveal. "Just needed some fresh air, you know? Clear my head."

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