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As the year came to a close, it was clear that the experiences within the walls of Room 312 had profoundly shaped both Lance and Keith. They had arrived as strangers, each determined to carve out their own path. Yet, they were leaving as lovers, their paths irrevocably intertwined by the shared journey of growth, challenges, and mutual respect.

Keith's initial trepidation about meeting his dormmate had transformed into gratitude. Lance, with his easy charm and fearless approach to life, had pushed Keith to explore beyond his academic achievements, to seek connections and experiences he would have otherwise overlooked. And Keith, with his depth and thoughtfulness, had shown Lance the value of introspection and the strength found in vulnerability.

As they packed their belongings, preparing to depart for the summer, the room felt empty, echoing with the memories of the past year. Lance folded his last shirt and placed it into his suitcase, the sound of rustling fabric filling the increasingly empty space. He glanced over at Keith, who was meticulously wrapping his headphones in a small, neat coil. "You know," Lance started. "It's gonna feel so weird not living with you next year."

Keith paused what he was doing and faced Lance. "We'll still spend a lot of time together, Lance. And you can sleep over as much as you'd like."

Lance smiled at the reassurance but still felt a pang of nostalgia. "Yeah, I know. It's just gonna take a lot of getting used to." He paused then smiled. "I never thought I'd get this lucky with a random roommate."

Keith chuckled. "Yeah. The year's been unexpected," he agreed, his eyes softening with the reflection of their shared experiences. "But I wouldn't change a thing."

"Really?" Lance asked. "Nothing?"

"Well, ideally you wouldn't date Allura, but what's done has been done," Keith said quickly, with a half-joking tone. He sighed, content. "No, but I feel like we might not have gotten to where we are today without everything that's happened."

They finished packing in silence, each lost in their own thoughts about the year's challenges and triumphs. When they were done, Lance zipped up his suitcase and sat down on the bed, patting the space next to him for Keith to join. Keith obliged, sitting beside him, their shoulders touching comfortably.

"We should plan something special for the summer," Lance suggested, breaking the silence. "Maybe a road trip? Just the two of us?"

Keith turned to him with a smile. "I'd like that. It could be our own adventure, away from school and everything else."

Lance leaned his head against Keith's shoulder. "Yeah, just us and the road. And maybe a tent? We could camp out under the stars... relive old memories," Lance said suggestively.

Keith laughed softly, remembering the night they shared their first meaningful kiss under the starlit sky. "Let's make sure it's more comfortable this time, and bring nice sleeping bags. I'm not as young as I used to be," he joked.

Lance chuckled and nudged Keith playfully. "Speak for yourself, old man. I'm ready for any adventure as long as you're there."

"Okay, mister cheesy."

Their conversation drifted to plans for the road trip, discussing potential destinations, the music playlist, and all the small details that made the idea exciting and real. As they talked, the sun began to set outside their window, casting a warm glow that filled the room with a soft, comforting light.

Eventually, they decided to take a break from planning and grab dinner at their favorite local spot. As they locked the door to Room 312, they took one last look around. The room was empty now, stripped of their personal touches, but it felt full of the life they had lived there.

Walking down the hallway, Lance reached for Keith's hand, intertwining their fingers with a familiarity that spoke volumes about their relationship. Keith squeezed his hand in return, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they shared.

The campus was quiet as they walked through it, the familiar sights tinged with the bittersweet realization that they were closing one chapter of their lives and preparing to start another. But as they stepped out into the warm evening air, they both felt a sense of anticipation for the future and the many adventures that lay ahead.

As they reached the restaurant, Lance paused and looked at Keith, his expression serious for a moment. "Keith, whatever comes next, I want you to know—I'm really happy I met you. You've changed my life for the better."

Keith was touched by the sincerity in Lance's voice. "And you've changed mine, Lance. More than you know," he replied, pulling Lance into a hug that conveyed all the words he couldn't find.

They held each other tightly, a moment of perfect understanding passing between them. Then, breaking apart with a smile, they entered the restaurant, ready to enjoy the evening and all the moments yet to come.

As they sat down and ordered their favorite dishes, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and the comfortable intimacy that had grown between them. It was clear that whatever the future held, their journey together was just beginning. And both Lance and Keith were ready to face it, side by side.


I've had all my chapters just written in drafts and was just gonna post only one-two a day but I got so impatient, and just posted all the rest today at once, so I hope it didn't "confuse" anyone and you could read them all in the proper order. Anyways! It's been a fun ride, and I'm so happy as this is my first story I've ever finished. I hope y'all enjoyed, and I'm so grateful for those of you who've been reading. I love you!!

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