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Pidge, always the beacon of stability and focus in Lance's chaotic world, awaited him at their usual spot in the library. The corner spot they had claimed as their own was a small oasis of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of the library. As Lance approached, he could see Pidge already deep in study, textbooks and notes spread out before them in an organized chaos.

"Hey, Pidge," Lance greeted as he sat down across from the short individual.

Pidge looked up, a small smile gracing their features. "Was starting to think you'd bail on me for a more exciting offer," they teased, their eyes twinkling with mischief.

Lance chuckled, the sound a bit forced but genuine nonetheless. "Nah, wouldn't miss studying with my favorite genius for the world," he replied, setting his bag down and pulling out his study materials.

"So how'd you and Keith make out last night by the way?" Pidge asked, eyes unmoving from their textbooks.

"I don't know? What do you mean?" Lance asked.

Pidge chuckled. "I just wanna know what happened after we left," they said. "Give me some details." They finally looked up at Lance in anticipation.

"Um... we went to sleep?"

Pidge raised their eyebrow in confusion. "Um okay."

Pidge's confusion quickly morphed into a more scrutinizing gaze, one that seemed to pierce right through Lance's awkward demeanour. "You didn't..." Pidge have Lance a knowing expression. "Did you?"

Lance sat up and exclaimed in shock before covering his mouth in embarrassment, not wanting to disturb anyone's quiet time. His face flushed a deeper colour, and he leaned in to whisper, "Don't even suggest such a thing."

Pidge shrugged. "Well you never know," they said. "You two had severe sexual tension all night."

Lance's eyes widened as his face grew even warmer.

"Well, not until after you kissed at least," they added, completely oblivious to Lance's loss of memory.

"Oh shut up," Lance said. "You came here to study, not constantly tease me."

Pidge noticed the expression and delivery of Lance's lines. Did he really forget? Perhaps they went too far with the drinking game.

"And besides," Lance added. "Keith's definitely not interested in me."

"Oh please–" Pidge began.

"No, seriously Pidge," Lance said firmly. "Just... drop it."

"Did something happen?"

Lance stared at the table as he fiddled with his fingers, not saying anything.

"Hey," Pidge said, softening their tone, "If something's up, you know you can talk to me.?" They closed their textbook, signaling that their attention was fully on Lance now, the jesting put aside.

Lance took a deep breath, his gaze still fixed on his fidgeting fingers. "I don't know... I guess I'm just still upset," he said. "This morning, I saw... hickeys on him."

Pidge's expression shifted from one of playful curiosity to concern in an instant. "Hickeys?" they echoed, their voice low. "From...?"

Lance shrugged, a mixture of hurt and confusion in his eyes. "Not from me," he muttered, barely audible. "Well, obviously. I mean, we never even kissed."

Pidge leaned back, processing the information. The library around them felt unusually quiet, as if it too was holding its breath, waiting for the next piece of the puzzle.

"Lance," Pidge said. "I think you two should definitely have a discussion.

Lance felt himself tense up. "No way!" he exclaimed. "And besides, it's not like there's any point anyways."

Pidge gave Lance a look. "Lance," they said, tone serious. "I could feel all the chemistry between you two the whole night. That's why Hunk and I left you two alone, giving you some alone time."

Lance felt something inside him snap. He paused, considering Pidge's words. The realization that something significant might have happened between him and Keith—something that wasn't just a figment of drunken revelry but a genuine moment of connection—began to sink in. He sighed, a mix of apprehension and a strange sense of hope swirling within him. "You really think I should talk to him?"

Pidge nodded firmly. "Absolutely. Communication is key, Lance. Whatever happened, it's important to address it. Especially if it's causing you this much distress," they advised, their tone earnest.

Lance chewed on his lip, mulling over the idea. The thought of confronting Keith about everything was daunting. Yet, the uncertainty of not knowing, of letting whatever spark that might have ignited fizzle out in silence, felt worse. "Okay," he said as he stood up.

"I- right now?" Pidge asked in shock. "So you are ditching our study session." Lance knew Pidge was only joking, and they knew they would rather Lance communicate his feelings more than anything.

Lance gave Pidge a thankful smile as he ran off, leaving all his things behind. Pidge shook their head, knowing they had to haul all his and their own stuff out of there.

Lance's heart pounded as he quickly made his way to their dorm. Every step felt heavier, filled with a mixture of dread and excitement.

Finally, he stood in front of the the door to their room. He stared at the numbers 312, tracing the letters with his eyes as he worked up his courage. Taking a deep breath, he quickly knocked on the door before barging in.

Lance stopped in his tracks when he saw Keith laid in the fetal position in his bed, wearing Lance's hoodie. The sight momentarily stunned Lance, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. The familiarity of his hoodie on Keith, coupled with Keith's vulnerable state, struck a chord within him.

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