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Lance stood behind the counter of Sanjay's, meticulously arranging bolts of fabric and sewing supplies. His focus was absolute, the kind of concentration that made hours feel like minutes. But as he glanced up, his attention caught by a familiar figure passing by the shop's large, street-facing window, his precise movements paused.

It was Allura, unmistakable with her sliver hair that couldn't go unrecognized and her striking posture, a sight not easily overlooked. Her presence in the bustling street outside was like a stroke of bright paint on a dull canvas. She walked with purpose, her elegant stride setting her apart from the casual saunter of the other pedestrians.

Without a second thought, Lance stopped what he was doing and darted toward the door. His hand reached out, flinging it open with a brisk motion. The small bell above tinkled loudly, announcing his sudden burst into the daylight.

"Allura!" he called out, his voice raised enough to catch her attention over the hum of the city. His hand shielded his eyes from the sun as he stepped onto the sidewalk, waving energetically.

Allura turned, a flash of surprise crossing her face before it melted into a warm smile. She chuckled cutely, her hand covering her mouth as she approached Lance from across the street. "Hello," she greeted as she took in his appearance. "I didn't know you worked here."

Lance let out a laugh. "Well I would've have expected you to." He brushed a hand through his hair, a bit sheepishly. "So... what are you up to?"

Allura shifted her books to one arm, her expression brightening further. "I was just heading back from the library. I've been spending more time with a... friend lately, helping each other with work and all."

"Also, sorry for hollering at you like that." Lance chuckled. "I just got excited to see a familiar face."

Allura waved off his apology with a graceful flick of her hand. "No worries, Lance. It's always nice to be greeted so warmly. It's refreshing, actually," she said, her smile sincere.

Lance nodded, pleased that his impulsive shout hadn't disturbed her. "Refreshing indeed," he replied with a grin. "So, would you like to grab a coffee or something? I could use a break from organizing fabric bolts."

"You can't just take breaks whenever, can you?"

Lance waved her off. "It's fine." He opened the door to the shop and shouted, "is it okay if I take a little break?" After receiving an OK, Lance smiled back at Allura. "So how 'bout it?"

Allura considered for a moment, a playful glint in her eye. "I suppose a short break wouldn't hurt," she conceded, her smile widening. "Lead the way, then."

With a smile of his own, Lance gestured for her to follow as they walked down the bustling street, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over their chance encounter.

As they made their way to the cozy café just a block away from Sanjay's, Lance couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within him. Despite the spontaneity of the moment, he found himself enjoying Allura's company more than he had expected. The conversation flowed effortlessly between them, filled with laughter and easy banter.

Once inside the café, Lance held the door open for Allura with a flourish, earning a playful roll of her eyes. They found a cozy corner table by the window, bathed in soft afternoon light.

As they settled into their seats, Lance couldn't shake the feeling that this unexpected break was turning out to be the highlight of his day.

Allura flipped her hair off from her shoulder with her hand, her long braids now laying along her back. She glanced around the quaint café. "This place is lovely," she commented, her eyes catching the light as they danced over the charming décor.

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