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The next morning, the first light of dawn crept through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. Lance stirred, his body stiff from the night spent on the floor. He slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and looked over at Allura. She was still sleeping, a peaceful expression on her face that reassured him she had at least found some respite in rest.

Quietly, Lance stood and stretched, his muscles aching slightly. He tiptoed out of the bedroom, careful not to disturb Allura, and looked around for the bathroom. Finding it down the hall, he splashed cold water on his face to wake up fully, the coolness shocking him alert. He used the toilet before leaving and seating himself on Allura's sofa in the living room as he waited for her to wake. Despite the heaviness of the night before, there was a sense of peace in the air, a quiet resilience that lingered after the storm.

Lost in thought, Lance didn't notice when Allura emerged from her bedroom, her steps soft as she made her way to the living room. He looked up, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he saw her, still wearing the blanket from the night before, but with a hint of newfound strength in her posture.

"Hey," he greeted softly, his voice warm with affection. "How are you feeling?"

Allura offered a tired smile in return, her eyes still carrying the weight of the previous night's emotions. "Better," she admitted, her voice a whisper. "Thank you for staying."

Lance nodded, his expression gentle. "Would... you like me to make some breakfast?" he offered.

Allura nodded gratefully. "That would be nice."

"What would you like?" Lance asked.

Allura thought for a moment, then replied, "Just some scrambled eggs and toast would be great. I also have some fruits in the fridge that would be nice." She chuckled.

Lance stood up, stretching once more before making his way to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, and found the eggs in an instant. He grabbed two as well as the carton of milk. He hesitated for a moment before reaching for the cheese. He usually mixed cheese into his scrambled eggs, but he wasn't sure if she would like it or not. But he decided he'd just use his basic culinary skills as he knew, and hoped she'd enjoy it.

Lance placed the things on the counter and looked through Allura's cupboards for a small bowl. Finding one, he cracked the eggs one by one on the countertop and into the bowl. He whisked them up a bit before pouring in just a bit of milk then shredding some cheddar cheese with the clean grater that was sat on the counter. He whisked it all together before shaking just a bit of pepper and salt into the mix. He opened the bread box and retrieved two slices of whole wheat bread and put them in the toaster, not toasting them just yet.

He turned the stove on to medium heat and looked for a frying pan. He placed it on the hating element and grabbed a china plate from the same cupboard he found the bowl. He placed the plate on the counter beside the stove and looked over at Allura to see she was watching him intently. "Would you like something on your toast?"

"Oh, just butter," she said. "Thank you."

Lance nodded as he poured the egg mixture into the frying pan. He broke the egg and stirred it around with a spatula a few times before he started the toaster. He hummed as he focused on cooking the egg. It cooked quickly, and he transferred it onto the plate before turning the element off and moving the pan off of the heat. He opened the fridge again and looked around, spotting some strawberries and blueberries. He took them out of the fridge and rinsed them under running sink water as he waited for the toast. He patted the fruit dry with a paper towel before assorting them on the plate, cutting the strawberries in half first.

Once the toast popped up, Lance quickly buttered the slices and placed them on the plate as well. He walked the plate of food over to Allura and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Lance," she said. "I really appreciate it."

Lance smiled. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"I can get my own after I eat, it's okay," she said.

"Are you sure? I really don't mind, thank you."

Allura smiled softly. "I'm sure, thank you. You can help yourself to anything you'd like."

"Ah, that's okay." Lance began cleaning up his mess, and gathering his dirtied dishes to wash them in the sink.

Allura watched him for a moment, then said, "You know, you don't have to clean everything right now. Why don't you join me for a bit?" Her voice was inviting, breaking the silence that had settled between them since he started cooking.

Lance paused, looking at the sink then back at her. "It'll be quick," he said. "I'm already almost done." He turned back to the sink, rinsed off the last of the dishes, and dried his hands on a towel. With a nod, he joined Allura on the couch, taking a seat beside from her. "How does it taste?"

"It's really good," she said. "I love it."

Lance's face lit up at her praise. "I'm glad you like it," he responded with genuine satisfaction.

Allura took another bite, chewing thoughtfully before she continued, "You always know how to make someone feel better, Lance."

He chuckled, shrugging modestly. "I just did what I could. I'm glad it helped, even if it's just a little."

They sat in silence for a moment, the early morning light now fully illuminating the room, casting warm hues over everything. Lance glanced at Allura, noticing the way the light played off her features, softening the tiredness that was evident in her eyes.

He felt a stir of emotions, appreciating the quiet strength she exhibited despite the challenges she'd faced. It was then, in the gentle morning light, that Allura leaned closer to Lance. Her movement was slight, almost hesitant, but filled with intention. She reached out, placing her hand gently on his cheek, guiding his face toward hers.

Their eyes locked, a silent conversation passing between them before she closed the distance, pressing her lips softly against his. Lance knew she wasn't herself right now after her breakup with Lotor and she needed a distraction. Lance knew all too well, as it's the only thing he himself has ever known.

The kiss was tender, a delicate affirmation of the care and support they had shared. It lasted only a moment, but it spoke volumes, sealing a bond that had been strengthened through the night's trials and the morning's quiet companionship.

Lance felt the warmth of her lips, a surge of mixed emotions flooding through him. He responded with equal gentleness, understanding the vulnerability and trust she was sharing in this moment. As they parted, a soft sigh escaped Allura, her eyes holding his with an intensity that mirrored the depth of her gratitude and perhaps, the beginnings of something deeper. "Thank you, Lance," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the stillness of the room.

Lance nodded, his own emotions swirling within him. "Anytime, Allura. I'm here for you," he replied, his voice steady yet tender.

Allura smiled, a genuine smile that seemed to brighten the room even more. She rested her head against his shoulder, feeling the comfort and safety of his presence. Lance wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer, and they sat there in silence, watching the morning light grow brighter.

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