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As Keith and Tony left the yogurt shop, the night had grown cooler, and the streets were less crowded. They walked side by side, occasionally bumping shoulders. It was comfortable, and Keith found himself enjoying Tony's company more than he thought he would.

"Thanks for tonight," Tony said as they neared the dorms. "I had a good time."

"Me too," Keith admitted, surprised at his own sincerity. "Thanks for inviting me."

They stopped outside the dormitory building, and there was a brief, awkward pause. Tony looked like he wanted to say something but hesitated.

"See you around?" Keith offered, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, see you," Tony smiled, and after a moment's hesitation, he stepped forward and gave Keith a quick, friendly hug before walking away.

Keith watched him go, feeling a mix of emotions. There was a sense of relief that the night had gone well, but also a twinge of something else—curiosity, maybe, or anticipation for what might come next.

After saying goodbye to Tony, Keith walked back to his dorm alone, the cool night air helping to clear his head. He realized he had a lot to think about, not just about Tony's feelings, but also about his own unexpected reaction to Lance.

As he entered his room, he found Lance sitting on his bed, laptop open in front of him. "Hey," Lance greeted, looking up. "Everything okay?"

Keith hesitated at the door, then nodded. "Yeah, just tired," he said, avoiding Lance's curious gaze.

He climbed into bed, his mind racing with thoughts of Tony's confession, his strange new awareness of Lance, and what all of this meant for him. As he lay there in the dark, Keith knew he had some figuring out to do, but for now, sleep was his only escape from the confusion.

After Keith laid in his bed for a while, unable to sleep, he eventually pulled out his phone to scroll through social media. When he turned on his phone, he was still in his Messages app and halted when he saw Maverick's name. Keith nervously but his lip, not knowing if texting him would be a bad idea.

Keith - 21:42

Keith sighed and went onto Instagram and scrolled through some Reels to occupy his time, anxiously waiting for a reply from the guy he hadn't spoke to since that party. The guy who is allegedly a friend of Tony's.

Maverick - 21:50
Heyy, how's it goin

Keith let out a very faint chuckle as he opened the message.

Keith - 21:50
Not too bad, how about you?

Maverick - 21:52
I'm hangin in there.. Wyd??

Keith - 21:52
Just laying in bed

Maverick - 21:52
Same.. how was your day?

Keith - 21:53
Eh it was alright. I mainly just slept it away tbh lol

Maverick - 21:54
Ahahah I wish I could've slept my day away. Was it refreshing?

Keith - 21:54
I suppose

Maverick - 21:54
Busy rn?

Keith narrowed his eyes at that message in confusion.

Keith - 21:54
No, why?

Maverick - 21:55
Idk wanna come over?

Keith - 21:55
That's random lol

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