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Keith decided to walk, not back to the dorm, but away from it, anywhere but there. He couldn't face Lance, not yet, not until he could make sense of his feelings. As he walked, the early morning's soothing charm was lost on him, replaced by a churning storm of hurt.

His steps led him nowhere in particular. He wandered through the campus, past familiar buildings and spots they had hung out together, each place a sharp reminder of their relationship that now seemed like a facade. With every step, his anger and confusion grew, fueling a growing desire to just escape.

As he walked, he caught glimpse of the Japanese restaurant he and Lance had went to together. It was a reminder of the beautiful night they had shared together. Lance planned it all. From bowling and playing arcade games, to the secret concert, to a relaxed sushi dinner. He could no longer contain his tears, and that flowed down his face.

Keith's emotions swirled chaotically, a tempest of betrayal, hurt, and confusion as he recalled the layers of moments he shared with Lance, now tainted by the revelation of Lance's relationship with Allura. His heart pounded against his chest, a rhythmic reminder of the pain throbbing through his veins.

In his distress, Keith chose isolation over confrontation, a means to manage the storm within. He spent days wandering, avoiding their dorm, ignoring the persistent buzz of his phone with Lance's numerous calls and messages. Each notification was a stab, a call to face a reality Keith wasn't ready to accept. He couldn't bear to hear Lance's voice or read his words, not when his mind replayed the scene of Allura entering Lance's car, their easy familiarity, the life Keith had been oblivious to.

The days blurred as Keith found himself retreating further from the world he knew. He skipped classes, missed assignments, and ignored calls from friends concerned about his sudden disappearance. Keith didn't even know if he could call them that anymore. The only people he interacted with were all related to Lance in some way. He was genuinely very happy about meeting Allura too, and thought he had actually made a friend on his own, but no. Lance had to ruin it. Keith couldn't even bare the thought of facing Allura again; he wasn't sure how he'd react.

His interactions were minimal, limited to necessary exchanges with strangers, as he spent nights in cheap motels, with random emotionless hookups from online, and even on park benches and picnic tables.

The weight of his emotions was exhausting, and sleep rarely brought relief, often disrupted by dreams twisted by his fears and insecurities. Keith felt a profound sense of loss, not just for the relationship he thought might be possible with Lance, but for the friendship that had meant so much to him.

As the days turned into a week, the initial intensity of Keith's emotions began to dull under the weight of fatigue and solitude. His steps eventually led him to a quiet park where he used to go for runs, a place that once brought him peace. Sitting under the familiar old oak tree, Keith finally allowed himself to feel the full extent of his emotions—anger, betrayal, sadness, and underneath it all, a deep-seated fear of being alone.

Keith's phone, only at five percent battery, began to vibrate with another call. Keith ignored it until it got to the last few rings, then decided to look at the caller ID. Shiro. Keith's heart dropped and he reluctantly answered the phone. Keith didn't say anything when he answered, unable to find his voice.

"Keith?" his brother said softly through the line. "Is everything okay?"

Keith sighed and looked at his feet. How did Shiro even find out?


"I'm here," Keith said, barely audible. He heard his older brother sigh with relief on the other end.

"What's going on?" he asked. "I got an Instagram DM about you disappearing?"

"Lance?" Keith asked.

"Said their name is Pidge," Shiro said.

Keith sighed. "My phone's about to die." Keith's voice trembled as he spoke, weighed down by the emotional turmoil he had been carrying. "I... I needed some time alone, Shiro. Just... trying to figure things out."

"Do you need to see a doctor?" Shiro asked seriously.

"No, I don't need a doctor," Keith replied, his tone more defensive than he intended. "I just need some space to sort through everything."

"At least let me know if you're safe."

Keith paused, not knowing how to answer. "I'll be fine, Shiro."

"Okay, just promise me that," Shiro pressed gently. "Promise me you'll stay safe and keep in touch. Don't shut me out, Keith."

Keith took a deep breath, trying to stabilize his voice. "I promise," he finally managed, feeling a bit more grounded knowing Shiro was there for him, even if it was just through the phone.

"Alright," Shiro said, his voice warm and reassuring. "And remember, I'm here whenever you need to talk, no matter the time. We'll figure this out together."

"Thanks, Shiro," Keith said, feeling a slight ease in the tightness that had gripped his chest. He ended the call just as his phone's screen went dark, its battery finally drained.

Keith sat under the oak tree, feeling numb. He doesn't want to fail by not attending school. And he certainly doesn't want to let Professor Alfor down. Keith stood up and made his way back in the direction to the dormitories, hauling his bag of study materials from a week ago that he never had a chance to take back home.

As Keith approached the dormitories, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a soft glow that mirrored his tentative hope. He paused, taking a moment to gather his strength before stepping inside. The familiar scent of the building, a blend of old books and cleaning products, hit him like a wave of nostalgia, reminding him of a time when his biggest worry was acing his exams.

Entering his room felt surreal after his self-imposed exile. Lance wasn't there, so Keith plugged his phone in and laid in his bed, falling asleep instantly.

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