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As Lance settled into his bed, facing the direction opposite to Keith's bed, he tried to focus on reading one of his random novels that he never finished before. His abuela gifted him novels every Christmas, though he wasn't that much of a reader.

But it was useless, his mind was spiralling too much. He sighed and closed the book, setting it aside. Turning onto his back, Lance stared at the ceiling, feeling the restlessness stirring within him. He glanced over at Keith, who seemed absorbed in his own thoughts, the soft glow of the laptop screen illuminating his face. He sighed again, deeper this time, and forced his eyes away from the other body int he room.

Suddenly, Lance's phone started ringing. He sat up and reached for it. Allura <3. Lance sighed and a small smile crept on his face. He sat up on the edge of his bed, back towards Keith, and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Allura?" Lance's voice softened as he heard the sniffles on the other end. There was a brief pause, punctuated only by Allura trying to steady her breathing.

"Lance," she managed between sobs, her voice shaky. "I'm sorry to call so late, I just..."

"Hey, hey. It's okay," she assured. "Just take some deep breaths."

Allura took a deep, shaky breath, clearly trying to compose herself. "I spoke to Lotor," she said. "Ah- my boyfriend," she confirmed after a couple seconds.

"I'm... guessing it didn't go well?" Lance's tone was a mix of concern and a hint of weariness, recognizing the emotional toll the night was taking. Allura let out another sigh, heavier this time, before continuing.

"No, it didn't," she admitted. "We broke up." Her words hung heavily in the air, a mixture of relief and sadness apparent in her tone. "He just... he made me feel so stupid. And he says I was manipulating him?" Allura's voice cracked as she recounted the details. "He accused me of being too controlling, too demanding... I don't know, Lance. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not good at relationships."

Lance's heart clenched at her words. "No, no, Allura, that's not true," he said earnestly. "You are incredible, and you deserve someone who sees that. Don't let him make you doubt yourself."

Allura sniffled again, her voice softer. "Thank you, Lance. It's just hard, you know? To think that maybe it's me, maybe I'm the problem."

"It's not you," Lance insisted, his tone firm. "Relationships are a two-way street, and it takes both people working together to make it work. It sounds like he just wasn't willing to do his part."

There was a pause, and Lance could hear her breathing, steadier now. "I guess you're right," she said finally, her voice still tremulous but showing signs of recovery. "I just wish it didn't hurt so much."

"It's going to hurt," Lance agreed, his voice gentle. "But you're strong, Allura. You'll get through this. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but you will."

A small chuckle escaped her, weary but genuine. "How do you always know what to say, Lance?"

He smiled, though she couldn't see it. "I don't always," he confessed. "But I do know that you're one of the strongest people I've ever met. And hey, you've got me, right? I'm here for you, whatever you need."

"Thank you, Lance. Really, it means a lot to me," she said, a note of gratitude weaving through her words.

Allura took another deep breath, seeming to gather a bit more strength from their conversation. "I just... I don't want to be alone tonight. Could you come over? Just so I'm not alone."

Lance didn't hesitate, his decision immediate. "Of course, Allura. I'll be there as soon as I can. Just give me a few minutes to get ready."

"Thank you, Lance," Allura's voice was a mix of relief and appreciation. "Really, it means so much. I'll send you my location."

He nodded, even though she couldn't see. "No problem, I'll be there soon. Just hang tight."

Lance hung up and swiftly moved around his room, gathering a few things he might need. He glanced at Keith, who now looked up with a curious gaze from his laptop. "Gotta go help a friend," Lance explained briefly, without delving into the details. Keith nodded, understanding the urgency without question.

With that, Lance headed out, his steps quick and determined. He knew tonight would be tough for Allura, but he was determined to be there for her, to make sure she wasn't alone through the tough moments.

Keith watched as Lance exited the room, the dim light casting long shadows behind him. He turned back to his laptop, but his concentration was broken. His thoughts lingered on Lance's swift, compassionate response to his friend's need. It was one of the things Keith admired about him—the natural way he cared for others.

Outside, the night was cool and quiet. Lance walked briskly, his phone clutched in one hand as he followed the directions to Allura's place. His mind raced with thoughts of what to say or do next, how to be the support Allura needed in her moment of vulnerability.

As he approached her building, the lights of the city cast a glow on the streets, creating a serene backdrop to the turmoil of emotions that filled the night. He texted Allura to let her know he was downstairs, and she buzzed him in without delay.

When Allura opened the door, her eyes were red-rimmed but her smile was grateful. She stepped aside to let him in, her apartment warm and inviting despite the somber mood. Lance entered quietly, his gaze taking in the surroundings of Allura's apartment.

He set his things down by the door and moved towards her, offering a comforting hug. Allura leaned into the embrace, her body trembling slightly as she tried to hold back tears.

"Thank you for coming," she whispered, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

"Of course," Lance replied softly.

They moved to the couch, where Allura curled up with a blanket. Lance sat next to her, his presence a silent pillar of support. He listened as she talked, venting her frustrations and fears about the future, her voice occasionally breaking as she navigated her tangled emotions.

Lance offered words of comfort, reassurance, and when it felt right, a bit of light-hearted teasing to coax a smile from her. After some time, Allura's voice grew tired, her words slower as the weight of the day began to press down. Lance noticed her eyes drooping, the emotional exhaustion finally catching up with her. He suggested she try to get some sleep, and she nodded, the fight gone out of her for the night.

He helped her to her bedroom, making sure she was comfortable. As he went to leave her bedroom, Allura grabbed him by the forearm, stopping Lance in his tracks and causing him to glance back at her over his shoulder. "Can you stay?" she asked, voice barely audible, a mix of hope and hesitation threading through.

Lance hesitated for a fraction of a second, considering the request. He looked at her, saw the need for reassurance in her eyes, and knew he couldn't leave her alone in such a state. "Of course, Allura," he said softly, his voice steady and reassuring. "I'll stay right here."

Allura's face lit up with a fragile smile, and she nodded, releasing his arm gently. "Thank you," she murmured, settling back into her pillows with a sigh of relief.

Lance sat down on the carpet on the floor beside her bed. As the night deepened and the city noises faded into the background, he stayed by Allura's side, his presence a quiet sentinel in the dimly lit room. Occasionally, he'd glance at his phone, checking the time, but mostly his attention remained on Allura. Her breathing eventually evened out, signaling that she had fallen into a restful sleep.

He leaned back against the bed, the carpet soft beneath him, and allowed his mind to wander. The events of the night played back in his mind, interspersed with thoughts of what tomorrow might bring for Allura. He knew that the road to healing after a breakup could be long and fraught with unexpected emotions, but he also knew that his support could make a significant difference.

As the hours ticked by, Lance's eyes grew heavy with fatigue. He shifted slightly, finding a more comfortable position on the floor, his back still against the bed. The soft hum of the city and the rhythmic sound of Allura's breathing were oddly comforting, and soon, despite his intention to stay awake, sleep began to claim him.

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