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Lance was surprised to see Keith come home early. His class wouldn't be over for another half hour, and he was already back in their dorm. Keith was always very serious about his studies.

"Hey," Lance greeted.


"You're back early," Lance stated.

"Yeah, it's pretty windy out there and I got a weather alert on my phone, so I figured I'd be safer to come home right away."

Lance peeked through the blinds, seeing the aggressive winds against the trees and the dark black sky. "I didn't even know it was supposed to storm today."

Keith shrugged and changed out of his damp clothes from the light rain, and put on some comfy sweat pants and a loose T-Shirt.

Keith and Lance both minded their own business throughout the afternoon, into the evening. They both quietly studied with a random Netflix show on in the background on Lance's little TV.

As the storm raged outside, Keith continued to study hard while Lance read away at his favourite novel. Suddenly, all the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness.

Lance quickly got up and rummaged through drawers for a flashlight, the silence between them filled only by the sound of the heavy rain and wind against the window, with the occasional rumbles of thunder and flashes of lighting. When he finally found one, the dim light cast eerie shadows across the room, but it was enough for them to see each other. "Guess we're stuck with each other for entertainment now," Lance joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Keith, usually reserved, surprised Lance by opening up first. "You know, this kind of reminds me of when I was a kid. Every time there was a storm, I'd hide under my bed because I was afraid of the thunder."

Lance listened intently, his previous attempt at humor forgotten. "I used to be afraid of losing my family," he confessed in turn with a light chuckle. "With so many siblings, it's chaotic but... it's what I'm used to. The thought of it being any different scares me."

The shared confessions in the dimly lit room created an unexpected bridge between the two guys, who usually coexisted with a casual friendliness marked by boundaries they seldom crossed.

"I guess we all have our fears," Keith said after a moment, his voice softer than usual, blending with the distant thunder.

Lance nodded, the flashlight in his hand casting a warm glow on his face. "Yeah," Lance said. "But talking about them kinda makes them seem a little less scary." Lance paused before adding to his statement. "Makes you feel less... alone in dealing with them."

There was a comfortable silence that followed, filled with unspoken understanding and solidarity. The storm outside, and the darkness of the room seemed less intimidating now.

Neither of them expected to share such a vulnerable moment together, stripping away at their facade of rivalry, leaving a newfound camaraderie in its place.

The storm continued its symphony outside, providing a natural backdrop to their unexpected heart-to-heart. As time passed, Lance found a deck of cards in one of the drawers and suggested they play something to pass the time. Keith, who was usually more withdrawn, agreed with a small smile, appreciating the distraction from both his studies and the storm.

They settled on a game of Go Fish, a simple choice but one that allowed for light conversation and occasional teasing. The competitive edge they usually shared was absent, replaced by a relaxed atmosphere where laughter came easily. Each draw of the card and each playful accusation of holding onto the sought-after cards brought them closer, eroding the invisible walls they had built around themselves.

As they played, the storm outside seemed to lose its fierceness, the wind calming and the rain softening to a gentle patter against the window. The electricity flickered back to life, bathing the room in a soft, warm light that contrasted starkly with the dim glow of the flashlight that had illuminated their confessions.

With the return of electricity, the TV hummed back to life, startling them both. They exchanged a look and laughed, the sound echoing in the now bright room. Lance turned off the flashlight, setting it aside.

Keith glanced at Lance, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Thanks."

Lance gave a little nod as a small smile grew on his face.

"I can't remember the last time I just relaxed," Keith continued with a chuckle.

Lance smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Anytime, man."

As Keith got back to his studies, Lance laid back in his bed with his thoughts. He peacefully put himself to sleep, thinking about the events of the night.

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