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Against Keith's will, Tony was coming over while Lance was out. Though, Keith didn't exactly tell Toby he couldn't come over.

Keith looked through his drawers from a hoodie, wanting to be comfortable and relatively warm. Keith never wears hoodies; he own's a couple but he hasn't done his laundry in a few days. Keith slowly glanced over at Lance's dresser. He slowly made his way up and opened some drawers, knowing Lance pretty much only ever wears hoodies. He told himself he would put it back before Lance came back. He pulled out a faded blue hoodie and pulled it on over his head.

The fabric was softer than anything Keith owned, enveloping him in a gentle warmth that immediately relaxed his tense shoulders. He caught a whiff of Lance's fragrance on the hoodie, a familiar scent that somehow made the dorm feel less empty. Keith took a deep breath, trying to push away the guilt of wearing Lance's clothing without permission.

As Keith made his way back to his bed, his phone buzzed on the desk between his and Lance's bed. It was a message from Tony, saying he was five minutes away. Keith's stomach knotted. He couldn't fight off the idea that he would try to kiss him again, guilt coursing through his body. This time, Keith made perfectly sure that he wouldn't give in to anything that crossed a line. He needed to distance himself between Tony and Maverick, to give himself a break with time to think.

Keith quickly grabbed his phone, typing out a response to Tony.

Keith - 13:12
Okay, see you soon

Keith sighed, trying to push his thoughts aside. He tidied up the messy dorm some more before Tony arrived. In the process of still picking things up and organizing, he heard a knock on the door, signaling Tony's arrival.

Taking a deep breath, Keith opened the door, putting on a friendly smile to greet him. "Hey, Tony. Come on in," he said, stepping aside to let him enter.

Tony walked into the room and looked around. He'd never been to Keith's dorm before and seemed genuinely curious about the place. His eyes lingered on the posters on the wall, the stack of textbooks on the desk, and then finally on Keith. "Nice place you got here," Tony commented, his voice carrying a hint of something that Keith couldn't quite place. "It's... cozy."

Keith nodded, closing the door behind Tony. "Thanks," he replied, trying to sound casual.

There was an awkward pause as Tony settled in, looking around once more before his gaze settled on Keith. "I really appreciate you letting me come over," he said. "I haven't seen much of you lately."

Keith tensed slightly, unsure of how to navigate the conversation. "Yeah, it's fine," he managed to say, hoping his voice didn't betray his nervousness.

Tony took a few steps closer, his eyes searching Keith's face for something, a gesture that made Keith increasingly nervous. "I've been thinking about you," Tony admitted, his tone soft but loaded with meaning. "About... us."

Keith felt his heart rate pick up. "Us?" he echoed, trying to maintain a neutral expression despite the turmoil inside. Tony's words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Keith's mind raced, searching for a response that wouldn't lead to further complications.

"Yeah," Tony replied. "I know you said you wanted to wait to know me better before we start a relationship or anything, but I feel like we've already crossed that line..."

Keith swallowed hard, hardly able to even process what Tony was even saying.

"Maybe it's just me but... we seem closer than ever, and I can't ignore the spark between us," Tony continued. "After that night with you, my feelings could only grow stronger and stronger."

"Tony," Keith said, not entirely sure what he wanted to say. He just needed him to to stop talking.

"Yeah?" Tony asked, voice softly spoken, after Keith remained silent.

"I just... I'm sorry."

"What? What are you sorry for?" Tony asked with a smile. "You've done nothing wrong, I understand not being ready to start a relationship."

"No," Keith said, catching Tony's attention. "It's Maverick," he admitted, the name feeling heavy on his tongue. "We... we've been seeing each other, sort of. It wasn't serious, or at least, I thought it wasn't. But, I feel like I've betrayed not just him, but you as well," he continued before Tony could say anything.

Tony's face fell, the hurt unmistakable in his eyes. The room grew thick with tension, a silence that was louder than words. Keith watched as Tony processed the confession, his own heart sinking.

"I didn't know," Tony finally said, his voice soft, laced with pain. "I wish I had."

Keith nodded, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Tony. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Tony sat down on the desk chair, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I appreciate your honesty, Keith. It's just... a lot to take in." He sighed, the sound heavy with disappointment and confusion.

Keith reached out, his hand hovering over Tony's, wanting to offer some comfort but fearing the rejection. "I understand if you can't forgive me," Keith said, his voice breaking. "I just hope we can find a way through this. I don't want to lose you, not as a friend."

Tony looked up, their eyes meeting. "We'll figure it out, Keith," Tony said after a moment, his voice stronger but still tinged with sadness. "But right now, I need some time to think."

Keith nodded, respecting Tony's need for space. As Tony stood and made his way to the door, Keith's heart felt like it was being torn in two.

Tony paused at the door, turning back to Keith with a look that was a complex mix of sadness, understanding, and a flicker of unresolved feelings. "Keith," he began, his voice steadier than before, "I appreciate your honesty. It's more than what most would offer." His hand rested on the doorknob. "Just... take care of yourself, okay?"

Keith nodded, managing a weak smile.

With a final nod, Tony left, closing the door softly behind him. The click of the door sounded final, marking the end of a conversation that would linger in Keith's mind for days to come. Alone now, Keith let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, his gaze falling on the empty space Tony had just occupied.

The weight of the conversation pressed down on him, heavy and suffocating. Keith slumped down onto his bed, the fabric of Lance's hoodie offering little comfort now. The room felt colder, emptier, as if Tony's departure had taken the warmth with him. He thought he would feel relieved after coming clean to Tony, but he couldn't help but feel much worse.

Keith knew he needed to talk to Maverick as well before Tony beat him to it, but he wasn't sure if his heart could take any more pain. Keith sighed as he pulled out his phone to send a quick text to Maverick.

Keith - 13:31
We need to talk.

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