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As the days went on, Lance and Keith found themselves growing closer than ever before. They navigated the complexities of their newfound relationship with honesty and vulnerability, learning to trust each other in ways they never thought possible.

Their days were filled with moments both significant and mundane, each one strengthening the bond they shared. From quiet mornings spent sharing a cup of coffee and exchanging sleepy smiles, to late nights discussing their dreams and fears under the blanket of stars, every moment felt like a precious step on their journey together.

As they opened up about their pasts, shared their hopes for the future, and supported each other through personal battles, Lance and Keith discovered a depth to their relationship that went beyond the initial spark of attraction. They found comfort in the silent understanding and unspoken promises that filled the spaces between their words.

One evening, Lance and Keith laid together in Lance's bed as they watched Cars on Disney+.

"Keith?" Lance said softly.

Keith looked over at Lance, waiting for him to say what he needed. "Yeah?" he asked when Lance remained silent.

"It's nothing just... I've been trying to wrap my head around everything," Lance admitted.

"What do you mean?" Keith asked.

"Y'know, just," Lance paused. "You, me... us. It's been a lot for me to process."

Keith shifted slightly, closing the tiny gap between them, his shoulder pressing against Lance's. "I get it," he said softly.

Lance turned to face Keith, their eyes locking. "I don't know, Keith, it's like everything's brighter with you. I've never... I've never felt this way before." Lance paused shortly as he collected his thoughts. "Keith, being with you has been the most real thing I've ever felt," Lance confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Keith smiled, his heart swelling with emotion.

"What even are we?" Lance asked abruptly. "Like I don't even know what to classify our relationship as."

Keith took a moment to consider Lance's question, his gaze never leaving Lance's eyes. The soft glow of the TV screen illuminated their faces, casting shadows that danced with their expressions.

"I guess," Lance continued before Keith could respond. He sighed trying to find the right words. He sat himself up straight and turned himself on his knees to face Keith better. "Keith. I really like you, and I don't wanna just... be your wacky roommate who you happen to kiss and share profound moments with."

Keith watched Lance carefully, understanding the vulnerability it took for him to express his feelings so openly. The room felt charged with an unspoken intensity as Lance struggled to articulate his thoughts.

"I'm really falling for you hard, Keith," Lance stated, his voice wavering.

Keith's expression softened, the depth of his feelings reflecting in his eyes. "Lance," he began, his voice steady yet filled with emotion. "You are definitely not just my roommate." Keith paused for a moment, searching for the right words that could encapsulate the magnitude of what he felt.

"No, I know," Lance continued again, cutting off Keith's train of thoughts. "I guess what I just mean to say is... well, maybe it's more of a question?" Lance shifted again, his posture getting more comfortable. Keith sat up as well and placed his hand on Lance's hand that gripped the bed sheets tightly, trying to ease his nerves. "I– well– okay, I'm just gonna go right out and say it," Lance blurted. "I want to be in a relationship with you. I want to date and... be your boyfriend."

Keith's eyes widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and warmth filling them. He squeezed Lance's hand gently, his own heart racing with a concoction of nerves and excitement. The room, lit only by the flickering light of the movie still playing in the background, felt like the only place in the world.

"Really?" Keith asked, his voice a soft whisper.

Lance nodded, his eyes searching Keith's for any sign of hesitation. "Yeah, really. I mean, do you want to?" Lance trailed off and looked around the room, the heavy eye contact starting to make him nervous.

Keith's gaze lingered on Lance, an affectionate smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The apprehension in Lance's eyes didn't go unnoticed, prompting Keith to tighten his grip reassuringly. "Yes, Lance," he said, his voice steady and sincere. "I'd really like that."

Relief washed over Lance, his body visibly relaxing as he let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Really?" His voice was a mix of hope and disbelief, seeking confirmation for what he just heard.

"Really," Keith confirmed, his smile growing wider. He moved closer, diminishing the already minimal space between them. "I want to be with you, Lance. Not just as roommates or friends who happen to kiss," Keith said, quoting Lance. "I want all of it—the mundane, the extraordinary, the challenges, and the triumphs. I want all of it with you."

Keith's words seemed to echo in the small room, each syllable heavy with meaning. For a moment, time stood still as they simply looked at each other, the depth of their feelings laid bare in the soft light of the TV.

Lance leaned in, closing the distance between them, and pressed his lips against Keith's in a kiss that was both a promise and a beginning. It was gentle, filled with the tenderness and care that had grown between them. As they pulled away, their foreheads rested together, breaths mingling in the quiet of the room.

"So," Lance started. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Keith cackled, a warm smile lingering on his lips after. "Yes," he said simply.

Lance swiftly pulled Keith into a tight hug, burying his face in Keith's shoulder, overwhelmed with a sense of happiness and relief. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance, holding him close, their hearts beating in sync. In that embrace, they found a sanctuary, a place where all their fears and uncertainties seemed to dissolve, leaving only the strength of their connection.

As the night turned into the early hours of the morning, Lance found himself not wanting the moment to end. But eventually, their eyelids grew heavy, and their lengthy conversation dwindled to comfortable silence.

Keith was the first to lie down, patting the bed beside him, inviting Lance to stay. "You don't have to go back to your bed," he murmured, already half-asleep.

Lance hesitated only for a moment before lying down next to Keith, keeping a respectful distance but close enough to feel the warmth radiating from him.

For the first time in a long time, Lance felt at peace as he fell asleep, the moon casting a protective glow over the both of them, silently watching over their newfound connection.

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