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Keith couldn't help but feel someone watching him as he wrote notes during his biology lesson. He tried his best to ignore it until the end of the lesson. He didn't need to allow any distractions.

After class, Keith gathered his things to quickly run out, not wanting to sit in there for any longer. Right after he walked through the door, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder, making him jump.

He turned around, becoming face-to-face with none other than Tony.

"Um... hi?"

"What happened the other day?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I didnt see you at the party," he said. "Did you not want to come?"

"Oh, right," Keith said. "I uh... I got distracted that night, if I'm gonna be honest. Though, I did hang around for a little while."

Tony's jaw clenched. "Right."

"Well, if that's all, I've got to get going," Keith said as he began to walk away.

"Wait!" Tony grabbed hold of Keith's wrist, making him flinch. "Sorry," Tony said as he let go. "I just... what are you doing later?"

"Tonight?" Keith asked.

Tony nodded his head.

"I was just going to study."

"Can you make some time for me?"

Keith was taken aback by the strange question. "Wha-"

"Like, I mean, we can hangout maybe?" Tony interrupted. "If you... want."

"Um... sure," Keith said cautiously. "I'll see what I can do."

Tony stopped Keith from leaving yet again to ask for his contact information. After the two swapped numbers, Keith finally headed back to his dorm.

To Keith's surprise, Lance was actually in their dorm room. He's usually out at this hour. He laid on his stomach, propped up on his elbows as he read a novel.

"Hey," Keith greeted as he took his shoes off.


Keith collapsed into his bed, exhausted from getting up early for a two hour class after not getting any sleep. Keith slowly drifted into sleep to to the quiet sounds of Lance's breathing and page flipping.

He ended up sleeping for longer than he thought he would, and didn't wake up until the late evening, with multiple missed messages from Tony. Keith rolled his eyes, not even reading them.

Keith got up to use the bathroom, but could hear the shower on in there with some faint singing. Keith couldn't help but smirk at Lance's voice. It was beautiful, though it cracked more often than not. Keith shook his head with and amused smile and knocked on the door, loud enough for Lance to hear. "Hurry up, I need to pee," Keith hollered.

"The door's unlocked," Lance shouted. "Just go pee."

Keith hesitantly walked into the steamy room, the sound of Y2K pop music erupting into his ears. Keith wanted to get out of their as quick as possible, so he rushed over to the toilet to pee before walking back to the door to exit, but his curiosity got the better of him, so he looked over his shoulder for a little peek.

Keith's "little peek," soon turned into a full on stare as he was unable to tear his eyes off Lance's wet figure.

He could only somewhat see Lance through the fogged up glass shower, and boy was his body different than he had expected. He thought Lance was a skinny guy, but turns out he's actually pretty toned. Keith's eyes traced over Lance's sculpted shoulder blades and moved down to his butt before tracing his eyes over his muscular thighs, down to his calves. Keith gulped and nearly jumped out of his skin when Lance turned to face him and opened the glass door. "Are you ogling me, mullet?" Lance asked with a teasing tone.

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