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"So, Keith," Lance slowly started speaking after the two haven't said anything all day yet. But in all fairness, it was still early afternoon and Lance had just woken up not long ago.

Keith looked over at Lance, as if nonverbally telling him to continue.

"Wanna go get some dinner tonight?" Lance asked. "Like together?"

Keith blinked, his expression shifting from idle curiosity to surprised confusion. "Dinner? Together?" he repeated, as if the words were foreign concepts when strung together in that order. It was not like they did much together outside of what was necessary.

"Yeah, you know," Lance said, trying to sound casual, though there was an underlying tension in his voice. "Just thought it might be nice to...hang out or something.

Keith's brows furrowed slightly, still processing the invitation. It wasn't that he was opposed to the idea, but rather the unexpectedness of it coming from Lance of all people. "Is this some kind of joke?" Keith asked, still wary. It wouldn't have been the first time Lance had pulled some prank to get a rise out of him.

"No, no joke," Lance assured quickly, perhaps too quickly, his eyes darting away for a moment before meeting Keith's gaze again. "Just dinner. We could use a break, don't you think?"

Keith considered him for a long moment, trying to discern any hidden motive behind the invitation. But all he saw was Lance—genuine, albeit a bit awkward Lance—waiting for an answer. Slowly, Keith nodded. "Alright, dinner sounds...nice," he conceded.

Lance's face lit up with a relieved smile. "Great! It's a date—uh, not a date-date! Just, you know, a dinner thing." He stumbled over his words, quickly trying to clarify, but the slip only added to the confusion and surprise of the situation.

Keith couldn't help but smirk at Lance's flustered state. "Sure, Lance. A dinner thing," he agreed, feeling a curious mix of amusement and anticipation at the prospect of spending the evening with Lance in such an unusual context.

As evening approached, Lance became increasingly nervous. He had suggested the dinner on a whim, not fully considering the implications of asking Keith out, even if it was just as friends. He rummaged through his clothes, trying to pick something that struck the perfect balance between casual and trying too hard. He settled on a simple shirt and jeans, hoping it would be appropriate for whatever Keith had in mind.

Keith, on the other hand, found himself surprisingly calm about the whole situation. He had agreed to dinner with Lance, and that was that. He chose an outfit with minimal fuss, a comfortable yet presentable ensemble.

"So," Lance began. "You ready to head out?"

Keith nodded. "Yeah sure. So where are we headed?"

"Um..." Lance fiddled with his fingers. "I uh... don't know. I didn't think I'd get this far."

Keith scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Right, okay. I know a place." Keith gestured for Lance to follow him out of their dorm. Lance locked the door behind him and cough up to Keith who continued walking down the hallway.

They made their way to Keith's car. Keith opened the passenger side for Lance and made his way to the driver's side.

"So, where are you taking me?" Lance asked.

"Just Danny's Diner."

Lance hummed as he put on his seatbelt. "Danny's Diner, huh? Sounds... cozy," Lance said, trying to sound enthusiastic, though he was secretly relieved. A diner meant a laid-back atmosphere, something casual where the pressure wouldn't feel as intense.

Keith started the car, the engine humming softly as they began to make their way through the streets.

As they drove, Keith found himself sneaking glances at Lance, noticing the way the setting sun cast a warm glow on his face, highlighting his features. Lance, catching one of these glances, offered a small, nervous smile.

"So, why Danny's?" Lance asked, trying to break the silence.

Keith shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road. "It's a nice place. Good food, not too crowded." He chuckled lightly. "Figured it would be a good spot for our 'dinner thing.'"

Lance laughed, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Yeah, sounds nice," Lance agreed. The ease with which Keith was handling the situation helped dissipate some of Lance's earlier nerves.

As walked into the small diner not too far from where they lived, Lance took in the cozy atmosphere. The diner was dimly lit, with neon signs casting a soft, colorful glow over the booths lined along the walls. A jukebox in the corner played a gentle, nostalgic melody, adding to the warmth of the place. They were greeted by a friendly waitress who led them to a booth by the window.

Sitting across from each other, Keith and Lance skimmed through the menus, occasionally glancing up to catch the other's gaze.

Lance was the first to break the silence, commenting on the variety of burgers the diner offered. "They really have everything here, huh?" Lance said, his eyes scanning the extensive list of burgers. "I mean, look at this—one with pineapple, another with peanut butter? Who even thinks of these combinations?"

Keith, who had been quietly perusing his own menu, looked up with a slight smirk. "I guess it's for people who like to try something different," he replied, his interest piqued by the unconventional options. "You thinking of getting one of those?"

Lance chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "I'm adventurous, but maybe not that adventurous. I think I'll stick with something a bit more traditional. What about you?"

Keith shrugged, a casual gesture that seemed to fit the easy-going vibe of the diner. "I was thinking of just getting a chicken quesadilla. I've heard it's really good here." He closed the menu with a soft snap, his decision made.

Lance nodded, amused by Keith's choice. "Quesadilla, huh? I might get a regular cheeseburger, then," Lance decided, closing his menu as well. "But I'm definitely getting a milkshake. You want one?"

Keith considered for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, sure."

As they waited for the waitress to take their order, Lance leaned back, observing the diner's interior. The place had a retro feel, with checkered floor tiles and framed photos of old movie stars on the walls. "This place has a nice vibe," Lance commented, his gaze wandering over to the jukebox. "Reminds me of those old movies."

Keith followed his gaze, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, it's got character. I like it." His eyes then landed back on Lance, and he smiled, a genuine, easy smile.

"Thanks for agreeing to come out tonight," Lance said. "I know it was kinda out of the blue."

"Well, as much as I hate to admit this," Keith joked. "It's actually... nice, being here with you like this."

Before Lance could respond, the waitress arrived at their booth, ready to take their orders. "Can I start you two on something to drink?"

"Can I have a diet coke?" Keith asked.

"It's Pepsi okay?" The waitress asked.


"Ouu! Do you have Dr. Pepper?" Lance interrupted, having to take the opportunity of being at a Pepsi place, instead of a coke place, resulting in having his favourite soda.

"Yes, we do," the waitress said as she wrote in her notepad.

"I'll get one of those and a water please."

She nodded as she continued to write. " And, I'm sorry, diet Pepsi for you?" she asked Keith.

He simply nodded. "And a water as well."

"Alright, I'll be right back with you shortly."

As she descended away, Keith turned back to Lance, the earlier warmth still present in his smile. "I never took you as a Dr. Pepper guy."

Lance shrugged, a sheepish grin on his face. "Yeah, I guess it's one of those small details you don't really find out until you end up at a diner together, huh?"

Keith chuckled. "Yeah, exactly. It's the little things that make these moments interesting," Keith agreed, his eyes crinkling slightly with amusement.

Lance laughed, the sound light and genuine, easing any remaining tension between them.

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