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As the days passed, Lance found himself drawn to Keith in a way he hadn't experienced before. Their conversations became more meaningful, lingering on topics beyond their usual banter. Lance discovered layers to Keith he hadn't expected, a depth of character that both intrigued and captivated him.

Yet, with this newfound closeness came a sense of vulnerability that Lance wasn't accustomed to. He found himself sharing more about his own insecurities and dreams, knowing that Keith would listen without judgment. It was a level of trust he hadn't realized he craved until it was laid bare between them.

Their dynamic shifted, evolving into something deeper than mere roommates or friends. Lance found solace in Keith's presence, a comfort that anchored him amidst the chaos of college life. And as their bond deepened, so did Lance's feelings, blossoming into something he could no longer ignore.

But with the growing intimacy came a fear of rejection, a fear that acknowledging his feelings for Keith would jeopardize everything they had built together. Lance wrestled with his emotions, torn between the safety of their friendship and the appeal of something more.

As they sat together one evening, the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Lance stole glances at Keith, searching for a sign, a hint of reciprocation, but found none. It was then that he realized the risk he faced—the risk of losing not only Keith's friendship but also his presence in his life altogether.

"I'm gonna... head out for a bit," Lance managed.

Keith appeared taken aback. "Oh, okay."

Lance gave a forced smile and left the room. He exhaled deeply before making his way to the stairs. Lance walked down to the ground floor and left the building, feeling the cool evening air against his exposed arms. He walked over to the side left of the front doors to the building and leaned against the wall. He slid down until he was sitting on the cold concrete.

Tears blurred Lance's vision as he sat alone, the weight of his emotions pressing down on him like a physical burden. He'd always prided himself on his ability to keep things light, to brush off the deeper, scarier feelings with a joke or a smile. But now, sitting in the shadow of the building that housed so many memories, he couldn't find it within himself to push away the ache in his chest.

In the quiet, Lance's mind replayed every moment, every glance, and every conversation with Keith, searching for missed signs or hidden meanings. Lance has flirted with and been rejected by plenty of people in the past, but it never negatively affected him, as he hadn't developed any strong emotions and feelings towards those people. The thought of opening up about his feelings to Keith and facing rejection was terrifying. Lance was starting to feel real romantic feelings for another person for probably the first time in his life.

Lance wondered if Keith had ever caught on to the change in their dynamics, if he ever sensed the shift in Lance's feelings towards him. The thought of Keith being oblivious to his emotions was both a relief and a source of frustration.

Last got too lost in his thoughts, resulting in sitting out as it got dark. As the brisk night breeze lightly blew at his muscle shirt, he decided with a heavy heart, it was time to go back to his dorm.

He quietly walked through the dormitory, and to his room, opening the door slowly. The room was very quiet, with only the sounds of the fan and Keith's shallow breathing  filling the room.

The sight of Keith, so serene and unguarded, struck a chord in Lance. He paused at the door, taking in the moment. The soft glow from the moonlight filtered through the window, casting a gentle illumination over Keith's features. There was a simplicity, a purity in his expression that Lance had never noticed during their daytime interactions. In this moment, with the rest of the world seemingly at a standstill, Lance allowed himself to admire Keith, to see him as someone deeply special to him.

Moved by an impulse, Lance stepped closer, his heart beating a frenzied rhythm. Each step felt like a decision, a choice that could alter the course of their relationship forever. As he stood beside Keith's bed, he noticed how peaceful Keith looked.

Without a thought to the consequences, Lance reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Keith's forehead. The touch was light, barely there, but it felt monumental to Lance. In that brief contact, he poured all his unspoken feelings, his hopes, and his fears.

Keith stirred slightly at the touch but didn't wake. Lance watched him, the fear of disturbing this moment of vulnerability battling with the desire to express his feelings openly. He let his fingers trail down Keith's cheek, marveling at the softness of his skin, the intimacy of the gesture more daring than anything he'd dared before.

Lance felt as if he were standing at the edge of a cliff, caught between the safety of the known and the terrifying thrill of the unknown. He withdrew his hand slowly, as if breaking the connection could shatter the fragile moment they shared. Lance stood there, watching Keith sleep, a mix of emotions swirling within him; admiration, fear, longing, and a deep-seated worry that morning would bring regret or, worse, a rift between them. Yet, there was also a glimmer of hope, a whisper in his heart that urged him to believe that maybe, just maybe, Keith felt the same way.

With a heavy heart and a mind full of what-ifs, Lance retreated to his own bed, the distance between them now feeling like miles. He laid down, staring at the ceiling, as sleep eluded him. The night passed in a blur of restless thoughts and unspoken wishes, each one a silent plea for a future where his feelings would be returned.

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