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Lance was meticulously watering his small collection of potted plants by the window when he heard the dorm room door creak open. He didn't need to look up to know it was Keith. The air seemed to shift slightly, becoming tenser, heavier, a silent testament to the unresolved issues hanging between them. It had been a few days since their last conversation, and neither of them had broached the subject again.

He adjusted the stream on his watering can, focusing on a drooping spider plant that had seen better days, much like his own bruised emotions. "Morning," Lance managed to say, keeping his back turned, not ready to face Keith just yet.

Keith only hummed in acknowledgment of Lance, and Lance squeezed the handle of the watering can tighter, his knuckles turning close to white. He but his tongue, holding back from speaking up and making things worse.

Lance continued to water the plants in silence, each droplet echoing the tension that had settled between them. Keith moved about the room quietly, placing his bag down and sitting on his bed with a soft sigh. The usual sounds of their daily routine, once filled with occasional banter or the hum of lighthearted arguments and calm conversations, were now replaced by an uncomfortable quiet.

After a few minutes, Lance set the watering can down and wiped his hands on his jeans. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage before turning around to face Keith. "How was... the gym?"


Lance shifted uncomfortably at the awkwardness and tried to focus on his school assignments. Exams were coming up. Lance's eyes widened at the realization. Exams were coming up... the school year would be over, and Lance probably wouldn't get to see Keith again. He swallowed hard. So it's settled; Lance needed to sort things out between them before the semester was over. He needed to take advantage of having Keith as his roommate; Keith wouldn't give him another excuse to talk to him, and Lance knew that.

Lance cleared his throat, trying to gather his thoughts and find the right words to break the silence that had enveloped them like a heavy fog. He glanced over at Keith, who was now staring at his phone with a distant look in his eyes.

"Hey, Keith," Lance began tentatively, "I know things have been... weird between us lately."

Keith looked up from his phone, meeting Lance's gaze briefly before averting his eyes. Lance took a step closer, the distance between them suddenly feeling overwhelming. "I just... I want to talk about it. Whatever it is that's been bothering us."

"Nothing's bothering me," Keith stated bluntly.

Lance felt a pang of frustration and hurt at Keith's dismissive response, but he refused to let it deter him. He knew there was more beneath the surface, and he wasn't going to let their unresolved issues linger any longer.

"Liar," Lance retorted, his tone sharper than he intended. He took a breath, softening his approach. "Look, Keith, I get it if you're not ready to talk about it. But we can't keep avoiding this forever. It's affecting both of us, and I don't want things to stay like this."

"Why not?" Keith asked sharply. "Isn't this what you wanted? I'm supposed to be your 'rival' or whatever," he said, using air quotes. "Should start treating me like it."

Lance's jaw clenched and he could feel heat rising to his face. "Is that what you want?"

Lance's question hung in the air, heavy with implications. He watched as Keith's expression flickered, a mixture of defiance and vulnerability dancing across his features.

"I don't know what I want," Keith admitted, his voice softer now, stripped of its earlier sharpness.

The room enveloped in a silence that dragged on for a while, neither parties knowing what to say next. "Why did you kiss me?" Keith suddenly blurted out, the words escaping before he could stop them. He watched Lance's eyes widen in surprise, his gaze flickering away for a moment before returning to meet Keith's. "I thought... I thought things were- and then you go and start seeing Allura? You're just– you're confusing, Lance."

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