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Lance watched Keith sit down, the tension in the room momentarily easing but far from disappearing. He couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had occurred in Keith's life, something that Lance, for all his observations and sarcastic remarks, wasn't privy to. It irked him more than he cared to admit.

After Keith's response, Lance's thoughts swirled with a mix of curiosity and annoyance. Why did it bother him so much that Keith might have changed? Was it jealousy, concern, or something else entirely? The usual ease with which he navigated their banter felt undermined by this new, more introspective Keith.

"Fine, keep your secrets," Lance finally said, his tone lighter but still edged with frustration. He turned his attention back to the scattered textbooks on his bed, a futile attempt to refocus on his studies. Yet, his gaze kept drifting back to Keith, noting the subtle shifts in his posture and the contemplative look in his eyes.

As the day went on, Lance found himself distracted, his thoughts returning to Keith's earlier words. Change, he pondered, wasn't something Lance had given much thought to. He preferred the comfort of predictability, the known banter that had defined his relationship with Keith. But now, witnessing Keith's calm, something within Lance stirred—a sense of admiration, perhaps, or even a desire to understand what had prompted such a shift in his roommate.

Keith's silence was a challenge, a mystery that Lance couldn't help but want to solve. He tried to convince himself that his interest was purely based on a potential friendship, but as the evening wore on and the room filled with the soft glow of the setting sun, Lance couldn't ignore the warmth spreading through him whenever Keith smiled or let out a small chuckle. It was a sensation that Lance hadn't anticipated, one that left him anxious and confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Keith finally asked, catching Lance's gaze lingering a moment too long.

Lance, startled, fumbled for words, "Like what? Just trying to figure out if you've been abducted by aliens and replaced." Keith furrowed his eyebrows before Lance continued. "You're acting all... different."

Keith raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Maybe I have been. Maybe the new Keith is just someone who's learned a bit more about himself."

Lance's heart skipped a beat at the implication, his mind racing to understand what Keith meant. The conversation shifted back to their usual playful banter, but something had changed for Lance. He found himself analyzing every word, every gesture, wondering what layers of Keith he had yet to uncover.

Keith's admission, wrapped in his typical enigmatic style, only fueled Lance's curiosity further. It was unlike Keith to acknowledge personal growth so openly, even in jest. This new openness, even if veiled in humour, was a crack in the armour Lance had always seen but never penetrated.

As the night deepened and the moon cast a silvery glow through their window, Lance laid awake, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. Keith's breathing, steady and calm in the bed across the room, was a stark contrast to the turmoil churning inside him. Lance couldn't remember the last time he had felt this unsettled, this consumed by someone else's "mystery."

Deciding that sleep was a lost cause, Lance quietly slipped out of bed and stepped over to the window. The campus below was quiet, a peaceful scene that contradicted the inner conflict he felt.

It was in this solitude, with the world asleep, that Lance allowed himself to acknowledge the truth. His interest in Keith was deeper, more personal than he thought was even possible. He was drawn to Keith in a way that scared him, a way that threatened to change everything he thought he knew about himself.

Lance's reflections were interrupted by a soft voice behind him. "Can't sleep?" Keith asked, sitting up in bed, watching him.

Turning to face him, Lance tried to mask the depth of his contemplation with a half-hearted shrug. "Just thinking. You know, about the universe, aliens, the usual stuff."

Keith's soft chuckle filled the room, a sound that Lance found surprisingly comforting. "Come here," Keith said, patting the space beside him on the bed.

Hesitantly, Lance made his way over and sat down, maintaining a careful distance. The silence that followed was charged, filled with unspoken questions and emotions. Finally, Keith spoke, his voice low and sincere. "You know... sometimes we don't exactly get along, and we aren't exactly close or anything but... I want you to know you can always talk to me. About anything."

Lance looked at him, the moonlight casting shadows across Keith's face, softening his features. It was a look Lance had seen many times, but tonight it felt different, more intimate. "Yeah, I guess," Lance replied, unsure of how much to reveal. "There's just, a lot on my mind lately, I suppose."

Keith nodded, understanding the weight of Lance's admission without needing further explanation. He reached out, placing a hesitant hand on Lance's shoulder, an uncommon gesture of comfort between them. "Look, I know I'm not the best at this... emotional stuff," Keith admitted, his voice carrying a hint of self-deprecation. "But I've been through my fair share of changes and challenges. It's... it's not easy. But uh..." Keith nervously fiddled with his hair. "Whatever's going on, you're not alone in this."

The sincerity in Keith's words, the rare vulnerability he displayed, struck a chord within Lance. For a moment, all the banter, the rivalry, and the superficial layers that had defined their interaction faded away, leaving behind a raw, genuine connection.

"Thanks, Keith," Lance managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. "It really means a lot hearing that from you." The simplicity of the acknowledgment didn't fully convey the magnitude of his appreciation, but Keith understood.

Keith's hand lingered on Lance's shoulder for a moment longer before he pulled away, clearing his throat slightly. "Anyway, don't let me keep you up. You've got classes tomorrow."

Despite the attempt to lighten the mood, the air between them remained thick with newfound understanding and silent acknowledgments. Lance nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, tomorrow's going to be a long day."

As they settled down for the night, Lance found comfort in Keith's presence across the room. The turmoil within him hadn't fully settled, but Keith's words had offered what felt like peace.

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