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Lance mumbled something unintelligible as he shuffled closer to the wall, his exhaustion evident. Keith, now managing to fit himself onto the bed, tried to get comfortable in the limited space.

Keith sighed as he finally settled into the cramped space. He glanced over at Veronica, who seemed quite content in Lance's bed, and then back at Lance, who was practically plastered against the wall in an attempt to make room.

"It's gonna be a long night," Keith muttered under his breath, adjusting his position yet again.

Lance, hearing him, cracked one eye open. "Sorry," he mumbled apologetically.

Keith just chuckled softly. "We'll survive," he reassured Lance, though he was already wondering how much sleep he would actually get.

Veronica, catching their quiet conversation, sat up slightly and looked over at them with a teasing smile. "You guys look cozy over there," she called out, her voice playful.

Lance snorted, "Yeah, cozy is one word for it." He shifted again, trying to find a less awkward position without encroaching further on Keith's already limited space.

Veronica laughed, watching them. "Well, I appreciate the effort, both of you. Really made this a memorable movie night."

The room fell into a comfortable silence, each of them settling down for the night. Despite the tight quarters, there was a sense of camaraderie and warmth among them that made the small inconveniences bearable.

Lance slowly began unbuttoning his jeans, trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. As he fumbled with the buttons, Keith couldn't help but steal a glance, feeling a sudden rush of heat rising to his cheeks at the unexpected sight. He quickly averted his gaze, hoping neither Lance nor Veronica had noticed his reaction. Lance kicked off his jeans, trying not to cause too much disturbance for Keith.

Keith, now acutely aware of every small movement, felt his heart rate pick up a little. The proximity to Lance, coupled with the quiet of the night, made every small sound seem amplified. He cleared his throat, trying to sound nonchalant. "You know, we could have just crashed on the floor at this rate," he joked, attempting to ease his own tension.

Lance chuckled as he sat up to shrug off his jacket and throw it on the floor. "Guess we're too late to rethink our brilliant plan," he quipped, settling into a more comfortable position, now just in his boxer shorts and loose T-shirts closing his eyes again.

Veronica, still amused by their banter, pulled the blanket up to her chin. "Goodnight, you two. Try not to kick each other."

Keith nodded, managing a smile, then turned slightly to face Lance, whispering, "Night, Lance."

Lance mumbled a sleepy, "Night."

The room grew quiet, save for the soft hum of the i up ceiling fan and the steady rhythm of the three of their breathing.

"You asleep?" Keith whispered close to Lance's ear. Keith, assuming Lance fell asleep with his lack of a reply, began playing gently with Lance's hair, twirling a few strands around his fingers. The action was soothing, and Keith found himself relaxing more than he had all evening. It was a small comfort in the cramped space, feeling the softness of Lance's hair between his fingers.

A few moments later, Lance shifted slightly, leaning into the touch. This small gesture from Lance encouraged Keith to continue. He ran his fingers more deliberately through Lance's hair, enjoying the tactile sensation.

Lance's subtle reaction seemed to dissolve any remnants of awkwardness between them. The quiet of the room, combined with the soothing motions of Keith's fingers, created a tranquil atmosphere that was almost hypnotic.

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