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The next morning, Keith gathered his study materials, his mind focused on the tasks ahead. He glanced at Lance, who was still asleep, his features softened in the morning light. Keith hesitated for a moment, debating whether to wake him, but ultimately decided against it. Lance had been distant lately, disappearing for long walks and returning late into the night. Keith couldn't help but feel a pang of concern, but he pushed it aside, choosing to focus on his own responsibilities for now.

With a sigh, Keith quietly slipped out of the dorm room, leaving Lance to his slumber. The brisk morning air greeted him as he made his way to the designated study spot in the campus library where he was to meet Allura. He was grateful for the fresh start the morning offered and was determined to make the most out of the study session. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a gentle light over the campus that energized Keith as he walked.

As Keith arrived at the library, he spotted Allura already seated at their usual spot, a small table tucked away in a quiet corner. Her presence brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, and Keith felt a flicker of anticipation for their study session. He approached her with a smile, setting his bag down beside the table.

"Hey, Allura," he greeted, sliding into the seat opposite her.

Allura looked up from her textbook, returning his smile. "Good morning, Keith. Ready to tackle that assignment?"

"Absolutely," Keith replied, pulling out his own textbooks and notes. "I've been reviewing the material, so I think we should make good progress today."

They delved into their study session, exchanging ideas and clarifying concepts as they worked through the different materials. Keith found himself drawn into the discussion, enjoying the intellectual challenge and the opportunity to collaborate with Allura. Despite his initial concerns about Lance, his focus remained on the task at hand, immersing himself in the academic exchange.

As the morning progressed, Keith couldn't help but notice the ease with which he and Allura worked together. Their dynamic was seamless, their minds complementing each other's as they navigated the complexities of their coursework.

As they paused for a brief break, Allura poured them both some coffee from a thermos she had brought along. "Thanks for being such a great study partner, Keith," she said with a genuine smile. "It's always more engaging to work through these problems with someone as dedicated as you."

Keith nodded, accepting the coffee with gratitude. "I could say the same about you, Allura. It's refreshing to have someone who really gets into the details like you do."

Their conversation shifted from academics to more personal topics during the break. Allura shared anecdotes from her recent experiences, including her new hobbies and the local exhibits she'd visited. Keith listened intently, finding her stories intriguing and her enthusiasm infectious. Yet, he couldn't shake a vague sense of familiarity in her descriptions, particularly when she mentioned enjoying long walks and movie nights, activities Keith knew Lance loved. He never took her as the type.

"Sounds like you've been really making the most of your time," Keith commented, trying to keep his tone neutral yet curious. "It's great to see someone so passionate about exploring new things."

Allura nodded, her expression brightening. "Yes, it's important to find time for yourself, right? To do things that make you happy." She smiled and glanced down at her coffee as her fingertips gently held the mug she had brought for herself. "Actually," she said. "I started seeing someone."

Keith felt a sudden twinge of surprise, masked by his attempt to maintain a composed expression. "Oh, really?" he responded, trying to sound casual yet interested. "I thought you said you weren't over your ex yet just a few days ago?"

Allura paused, her smile fading slightly as she met Keith's gaze. "Well, it's a bit complicated," she admitted, a hint of hesitation in her voice. "I wasn't planning on it, but I met someone who changed my mind. It's still very new, and we're taking things slow, but it feels right."

Keith nodded, processing her words. Inside, he felt a mixture of emotions—curiosity about who had caught Allura's interest so unexpectedly, and a slight pang of concern, wondering if this new person was treating her well. "That's good to hear, Allura. It's important that it feels right. Just make sure you're both on the same page," he advised gently, genuinely caring for her well-being.

"Yeah, we are," Allura responded, her smile returning. "He's very understanding, and we've agreed to take things at a pace we're both comfortable with."

Their conversation continued, with Allura skillfully steering the topic away from her new relationship and back towards their academic tasks. Keith, while still intrigued, respected her desire to shift the focus and followed her lead, diving back into the complexities of their study material.

After a few more hours of them studying, Keith watched as Allura checked her phone. "Alright, my... guy's here," she said, not knowing what she should even call the guy she's seeing. "Let's get together again soon."

Keith nodded, gathering his own study materials. "Sure, let's do that. Good luck with everything, Allura," he said with a genuine smile.

The two left the building together, and Keith stopped in his tracks as he saw Lance parked out front of the main doors to the library. Did he come here to meet me as some sort of surprise? Lance's eyes met Keith's, his wide with apprehension, a clear unease etched across his face as if caught in a spotlight he'd hoped to avoid. Keith cocked his eyebrow at Lance but turned his attention back to Allura.

"Bye, Keith," she said with a smile as she pulled him into a hug. "Have a safe trip home."

"Yeah," Keith said quietly, hiding the uneasiness he could feel rising in his stomach. He watched as Allura walked over to Lance's car and got into the passenger seat. He could briefly hear some faint chatter between them before they drove off quickly.

Keith stood there for a moment, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the sudden realization. Lance was seeing Allura? She was seeing him? Lance... and Allura? Keith suddenly felt dizzy and had to go lean against the wall of the library building to steady himself.

Keith's mind churned with a mix of disbelief and confusion as he watched the car disappear down the road. The realization that Lance and Allura were involved felt like a punch to the gut. He struggled to understand why Lance had mentioned anything to him. The secrecy stung, and a sense of betrayal began to seep into his thoughts.

What happened to Lance having feelings for Keith? He thought they were making progress, especially after they shared that intimate moment together when he sister stayed over. She even told him that she knew Lance was into Keith and to be cautious of his feelings.

Fuck that, Keith thought. He probably never even cared about him to begin with. Keith was probably just creating a fake version of Lance because he's been attracted to him—a version of Lance that liked him back.

Keith pushed himself off the wall, feeling a raw mix of hurt and betrayal sharpening within him. He needed to clear his head, to sort out the whirl of emotions that seemed to cloud his judgment. Walking away from the library, he tried to focus on the steady rhythm of his footsteps, each step an attempt to distance himself from the shock of what he had just witnessed.

As he walked, Keith's mind replayed every recent interaction with Lance, searching for clues or missed signs about this relationship with Allura. He remembered the long walks, the late nights, and now it all seemed to connect back to her. The realization that Lance had kept this part of his life hidden stung deeply, especially considering the open, albeit complex, feelings he had for Lance.

Reaching a quiet part of the campus, Keith found a secluded bench and sat down, his eyes unfocused as he stared at the ground. The morning's brightness seemed to mock his dark mood. He pulled out his phone, contemplating whether to confront Lance via text or to wait and face him in person. His thumb hovered over Lance's contact, his mind racing with what to say.

After a long moment, Keith locked his phone and slipped it back into his pocket. He decided that this was a conversation that needed to be had face-to-face, not hidden behind the anonymity of digital words. He needed to see Lance's reactions, to understand the full context, and perhaps to find closure or a way forward in whatever remained of their friendship.

Keith felt defeated. He knew he should've kept his walls up, but he just thought it'd be different this time.

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