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Keith and Lance both sat on Lance's bed with the lights off. They had been studying for the last of their exams all day, and were now relaxing. Lance was looking for a movie to watch with Keith out of his long list of "Movies Keith has to watch."

Lance scrolled through his list, his phone screen casting a soft glow in the dimly lit room. "How about The Matrix? You've never seen that one, right?" he asked, glancing over at Keith.

Keith, who was already lounging comfortably against the pillows, shook his head. "Nope, but I've heard you mention it, like, a hundred times," he replied with a smirk.

Lance laughed sheepishly. "So it's decided then." Lance reached over Keith to place his phone on their desk space, and grabbed his remote in exchange. He stopped over Keith ok his way over and leaned in close to his face, then just smiled and moved over to be laying back beside him.

Keith raised an eyebrow, amused by Lance's antics, but simply settled deeper into the pillows, making himself comfortable. Lance searched the movie on Netflix and made sure the volume was at a respectable volume before pressing play. He reached back over to put the remote back, then as he was moving to lay back in the position he was in, Keith grabbed Lance by his forearm, stopping him.

Keith stared up at Lance as the brunet's face's heat increased, blood rushing to his cheeks. Keith's gaze was playful yet soft, his hand warm around Lance's forearm. Keith's grip was gentle but firm, drawing Lance down to him. Lance yielded, a grin breaking across his face as he settled back against the pillows next to Keith. "What was that for?" Lance asked, his tone was light, though teasing.

"Nothing," Keith said before focusing on the movie playing before them.

The opening scenes of The Matrix filled the room with their iconic, pulse-pounding action, but Keith's focus gradually shifted from the screen to the comfort of lying next to Lance. They shared the blanket, their shoulders touching, the warmth between them more captivating than any movie.

As the movie progressed, Lance noticed Keith's eyelids beginning to droop. Despite his best efforts to stay awake, the day's studying had taken its toll on Keith, and slowly, his head started to lean towards Lance's shoulder. Lance smiled softly, watching as Keith finally surrendered to sleep, his head resting gently against Lance.

Lance's gaze lingered on Keith's peaceful face, the soft rise and fall of his chest calming. In this quiet, shared moment, Lance felt a profound sense of contentment and affection. Without thinking much about it, he carefully pulled out his phone, angling it to capture the moment. The camera clicked softly, taking a snapshot of Keith asleep against him, the movie's light flickering in the background creating a serene, almost ethereal scene.

Lance looked at the photo, a warmth spreading through him. It was a simple, honest moment, one that encapsulated the quiet joy of their relationship. Feeling a burst of fondness and wanting to share this slice of happiness, Lance quickly snapped a photo of the TV and opened Instagram, then clicked to make a new post. He chose to have the picture of Keith sleeping, then the picture of the TV for the second slide. He typed in a caption that read "Movie nights with him 🎬😋" and posted it. He set his phone aside, shifting his attention back to Keith, and adjusted the blanket over them both more comfortably.

After the movie ended, Lance put on a random YouTube video for background noise, and made sure autoplay was on as he snuggled into Keith. As the gentle hum of the YouTube video filled the room, Lance found himself simply watching Keith sleep, appreciating the quiet moments they shared. Keith's presence had a calming effect on him, and Lance felt grateful for the serenity of the night. The soft light from the screen highlighted Keith's features, casting gentle shadows that danced lightly across his face.

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