Chapter One

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Hope's Peak Academy. They say it's one of the top schools in the world- no, the top school. Because everyone who goes there- the select few that go there, if I may add- are Ultimates. The best of the best in their fields. Absolute legends. The G.O.A.T.s. People with talents so great that you'd think they were given magical powers. Skills that one can't even begin to comprehend the level of. And then there's me.

Hi, I'm Sophie O'Reilly

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Hi, I'm Sophie O'Reilly. The Ultimate Digital Artist, on a good day. I'm not sure how I ever managed to get that title, but here we are. Invited to Hope's Peak Academy. Like, how the hell did some kid like me get selected to go there? Friggin' Hope's Peak, like are you serious?

Sorry, sorry. I just can't believe I'm here. Standing in front of the front doors, the school building towering above me. The crest gleaming in the sunlight that's managing to peek through the clouds. I'm actually a student at the world's greatest school. Oh my god.

I take a deep breath, adjust the strap of my satchel over my shoulder, take another deep breath, force myself to stop bouncing, and finally take a step inside. The front hall is massive, with marble columns and tile floors in which I can see my own reflection. Upon seeing my reflection, though, I quickly tuck a loose strand of blue hair behind my ear and fix my posture. As a digital artist, my posture is obviously slumped and terrible from leaning over an iPad for hours at a time, but my new classmates don't need to know that. Shoulders back, head up... good to go.

But as I lift my head up, the world begins to spin and I begin to feel... dizzy. Did I move my head too fast? The world swirls in and out of focus, and no matter how hard I try to ground myself, it doesn't help. Finally...

The world goes black.


The first thing I hear are seagulls and the crashing of waves. I feel a warm, light breeze on my face, tugging on my hair. I feel the grainy texture of sand particles beneath of my arms as well. I don't remember Hope's Peak being anywhere near a beach.

I can see the sun through my eyelids, but still don't open my eyes just yet. Maybe I'm just dreaming, because this sure as hell ain't a school. I think back to the front hall of Hope's Peak, and how I blacked out. Oh no, I must've fainted from anxiety. That's really embarrassing. How am I going to show my face in public to some of the most skilled people in the world if I basically dropped dead at the thought of being in the same building as them? Maybe an introvert like me isn't really cut out for this kind of thing. Still, though, I do have to wake up from this before I humiliate myself further. Is there a chance that nobody's seen me on the ground yet?

I open my eyes. Bright sun immediately blinds me. I squeeze my eyes shut again. Man, I really must be passed out, because this dream is incredibly realistic. A side effect of having a big imagination, I guess. I open my eyes again. This time, my eyes are able to adjust some more to my surroundings. I'm lying beneath a palm tree, its thick leaves swaying softly in the breeze. Oh well, I'm definitely screwed by now, might as well enjoy this cool dream before I have to face the harsh, embarrassing reality that awaits me when I wake up. Then, I realize that someone's face is inches from mine.

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