Chapter Five

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Everyone is frozen for a second.  Except for Stolas, who doesn't hesitate to drop whatever he's doing and run over to Tristan, who is motionless on the ground.  Stolas quickly rolls him onto his back and begins CPR while the rest of us stand around, unsure what's happening or what to do.  After a moment, Marzy rushes to Stolas's side to check for a pulse in several different places.  The two of them exchange a glance that I really wish they didn't.  Finally, they both stand up and nod to each other.

"He's dead," Stolas announces.

No response at first.  Then, everyone is screaming and panicking and even crying.  Nobody knows what's going on.  Nobody knows what to do or how to react.  It's pure chaos until hidden loudspeakers crackle to life.

"Chill out, all of you!" Monokumace's voice echoes around the room. "Well, a body has been discovered!  Because this is so late in the day, I will be pushing back the evening hours to make room for the trial.  You all have two hours to prepare, and then I will give further instructions.  Good luck~!"

Once the headmaster's voice fades, conversation picks back up quickly until Stolas speaks up.

"Enough!" he shouts, silencing the room. "This is no way to go about this.  Save your mourning for after the trial.  For now, we need to understand what happened and how it happened.  If anyone does not like what I'm saying, feel free to leave."

More silence.  Stolas doesn't seem happy about it, but he doesn't say so. "Alright.  First, let's figure out what the cause of death was.  Marzy?"

Marzy immediately goes to inspect Tristan's body, but all of a sudden, Ace's voice echoes back over the loudspeaker. "No need for that, Mr. Resident Biologist!  Everything you need to know is on the student handbook!"

Right.  The digital handbook I got when I first went into my room yesterday.  I pull it out and turn it on to see an update on the screen.

Case Report:

Name of Victim: Tristan Turner

Talent: Ultimate Street Fighter

Time of Death: 7:51 PM

Cause of Death: Poison

"That's what I assumed," Marzy says gravely as he looks at his own e-handbook.

I still can't believe this.  Tristan just died...?  No, this can't be real.  This can't be.  I feel sick- really sick.  

Stolas picks up Tristan's dropped cup and swirls around the contents. "Let's get the contents of this into a glass for better observation.  Dana, can you grab a glass from the kitchen?"

Dana takes a minute to react before nodding, turning on her heel, and running.  She returns a few moments later with the glass for Stolas.  Once he pours the drink into it, we all see his expression shift slightly at the mug.

"How odd," he says. "It appears that there's something stuck to the bottom."

He sets the cup to the side and clasps his hands together. "Right.  Everyone, start gathering your thoughts and testimonies.  I don't want us going into this trial blindly.  I'm off to deliver the news to Ryn."

After he leaves, the room goes deathly silent again for a moment.  Then, Furfur speaks up.

"He's right," she agrees. "Standing around all wide-eyed isn't the way to go about this!  We gotta find out who killed Tristan, or we're all getting punished for it- you heard the stupid dragon yesterday!  We should search this room and the kitchen in case there's anything we've missed, and then see where we're at with time."

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