Chapter Nine

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Ding dong, bing bong

"It is now morning! Rise and shine, everyone, it's another beautiful day on Jabberwock Island! And you want to know what the best part is? The second island is now open! Go, have a fun day of exploring!"

I groan as I sit up in bed. Out of all the ways I could've woken up, with the best being getting kissed awake and the worst being getting murdered, Monokumace's announcement is near the bottom.

As I'm running a hand through my wild bed-head of cyan-and-brown hair, a part of the announcement then occurs to me. Second island? Right- there's a lot of islands that make up Jabberwock Island- I recall my mind exploding over that on the first day. Damn, was the first day really already three days ago? Time really does fly when you're on vacation, even if it's a murder vacation.

I slowly make my way out of my cottage and towards the hotel to get something to eat before I go explore the new island. It seems like I'm the last one awake, because basically everyone is hanging out in the lobby or kitchen as far as I can see. I walk by where Caim, Furfur, and Azrael seem to be invested in whatever En is doing with a deck of cards.

"How's your luck that good, though? That's crazy!" Furfur insists.

"You didn't think that the Ultimate Dealer's luck would be bad, did you?" En remarks. "But my trick is simply to remember one simple rule."

They look up at me, their yellow eyes piercing my soul as they speak. "The house always wins."

Well isn't that a great thing to wake up to. I just keep moving to the kitchen, where Zeben and Dana appear to be hard at work.

"Why'd you turn the oven up so high?" Dana shrieks as she spins the knob on the oven panickedly.

"I thought 450 is the normal temperature for cooking or baking??" Zeben yelps as he catches an egg before it can roll off the counter.

"It's 350, moron!"

"Ah, the sweet melody of chaos," Flauros muses, and I jump when I see him leaning against the wall, half-masked by the shadows.

"You're not gonna help?" I ask.

Flauros smiles. "Not at all. It is not my place in the universe to be 'helpful' or 'do the right thing'. After all, I am-"

"A demon from Hell, yeah, yeah, I get it," I interrupt, rolling my eyes as I decide to be the bigger person and actually do something.

I grab one of the three bowls Dana's holding and set it down on the counter. "What can I do to help?"

"Oh, Sophie," Dana sighs, relieved. "Great, now I can fire Zeben."

"Hey!" Zeben exclaims. I notice that despite what seems to be his normal mood, his eyes are sad. Really sad.

"You know what? Don't fire him, I'm sure he's doing this best," I remind Dana. She seems to understand the deeper meaning behind my words and nods.

"Right." She turns to Zeben and tells him, "Get the eggs in a pan and start scrambling. And please, try not to get any eggshell bits in it this time, okay?"

"I'll do my best," he agrees with a smile.

"Alright, what can I do, then?" I ask.

Dana nods to the bowl I'd set down. "Finish mixing and get the muffins into a pan. Remember to spray the pan down or the muffins might stick."

I do exactly as she tells me to do, and set the pan in the oven as she slides in a second pan.

"So now we've got blueberry and chocolate chip muffins, Zeben's doing the scrambled eggs..." She thinks for a minute. "...and I already did the bacon. Well, seems like our job is done. Thanks for helping me out, Soph."

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