Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Looking around the room at everyone standing behind their podiums, my heart sinks to my stomach as I realize that only half of the class remains.  The rest have been replaced with portraits crossed out in a bright pink.  I notice the patterns the crosses make vary- from crossed swords on Stolas's to the paintbrush and pencil on the portrait where Sophie used to stand.  

"So we all know the basics of the case," Dana starts. "Sophie died about two hours ago of something that severely mutilated her body, and was hidden in the haunted house.  Now, I dunno about you guys, but I'm getting the feeling that she was killed inside the haunted house.  I mean, there weren't any smear tracks or anything."

"We don't know that for sure, though," Will comments. "I mean, her body could've been carried inside or something."

This seems like the right time to talk about the note.  But before I can jump in-

"What on earth could've been the murder weapon?" Zeben points out. "I mean, Will, you said it couldn't have been a chainsaw, but it doesn't look like she was stabbed or anything, either.  She looked completely destroyed, like an explosion or something."

"If there was an explosion, we would've heard it," Caim tells him.

"Perhaps the killer called upon the hellhounds of the Underworld to maul her," Flauros murmurs.

"Oi, Dorothy, we're not in Oz," Will calls to him from across the courtroom. "This is an actual murder case."

Flauros frowns but doesn't make a move to respond.

"So no known murder weapon and we're unsure of the location where she was killed," Dana corrects. "Alright, then-"

"I think I have an idea," I interrupt before I lose the chance to share my news. 

Dana raises an eyebrow. "Okay?"

I fish through my pocket and pull out the letter. "I found this while going through Sophie's bag in hopes that there might be something giving us a clue as to what happened.  It's a note- from her killer, I think."

I hand it to Iris, who gives it a quick read before passing it around the circle.  Or at least tries to, because everyone's incredibly distanced apart by now due to the amount of... absent... students.  

"Okay, so the killer wanted her to meet them by the rollercoaster," Will summarizes after he finishes reading the letter. "That means they killed her there?"

"Well, not necessarily.  They could've always taken her into the haunted house after meeting up," Evangeline says.

"Then why not ask to meet up at the haunted house?" Caim points out.

"Hang on, hang on, hang on, who's to say this is even a real letter?  Not something junior Shakespeare over here could've planted?" Will gestures to me as he speaks. "I mean, he's the only one that saw the letter, so can we really take his word for it?  For all we know, he could've ran out of time to plant it and is just pretending that he found it on the body!"

I open my mouth to argue, but a certain barista is already speaking up for me.

"Hold on, you're jumping to conclusions pretty quickly," Dana says, quickly jumping on the accusation. "If there's anyone here who would try hiding a body by disguising it on a set, it would probably be the literal director.  Especially one who likes horror so much."

"H-hey!  I was just making a point!" the videographer says defensively.

"I truly don't believe that we'll be getting anywhere until we figure out what could've killed Sophie," Evangeline announces.

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