Chapter Two

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I cannot express how nice it feels to step into the hotel lobby and be greeted with a nice wave of air conditioning. The hotel building overlooks the coast through tinted windows that keep the sun from blinding me... again. There's a nice lounge area with both a foosball and pool table. Which is nice to know, but seeing some of the others here, I don't know if I'd stand a chance in either one. As a matter of fact, out of the two people standing in the lobby, one has a f*cking sword strapped to his back. Is that allowed? Are there school rules against that?

The second figure, a dirty-blonde with brown streaks in her hair, notices me almost immediately. She's pretty, too. Why are all the girls here pretty so far? It's not fair.

"Hi!" she says. "You're the sixteenth student, right? Oh, I'm Ryn, by the way."

"Sophie," I introduce myself

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"Sophie," I introduce myself. "And sorry, you said you're the Ultimate...?"

"Veterinarian!" Ryn responds. "I know, sometimes people think I say other stuff. People've misheard things like 'Veteran' or 'Vegetarian'. Maybe I need to enunciate better."

She's funny. I like her. A lot.

Oh yeah, the guy with the sword. Right. His amber eyes pierce into me, and I shudder involuntarily. Finally, he gives me a curt nod.

"A pleasure to meet you, Sophie," he says, his gaze never leaving my face. "Stolas Urusa, at your service."

"That explains the sword," I say after he tells me he's the Ultimate Combat Pro

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"That explains the sword," I say after he tells me he's the Ultimate Combat Pro.

"My preferred weapon of choice," Stolas points out. "...And Hope's Peak has a strict weapons policy. No firearms or concealable blades."

"Yet a sword's totally fine?" Guess I really should've double-checked the Student Handbook.

Stolas just gives a small shrug in response.

"Well, we gotta get going! Sophie still hasn't met, like, half the group," Caim tells them, grabbing my arm and beginning to pull me away.

At first, I'm a bit bummed that I can't talk longer with Mr. Cool Sword and Hot Woman Number Two, but I'm not mad for long. On the left side of the main hotel building is a dining room and kitchen. Emerging from the kitchen, each holding a steaming cup, are not one...

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