Chapter Thirty-Four

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There's burnt metal scraps, charred asphalt, and blood everywhere.  I wave smoke out of my face, and I hear Iris cough from next to me.  Still, though, there is no sign of Caim himself.  My heartrate is spiking as I frantically scan the area for a short stature, green eyes, freckles... and yet there's nothing.  Where is he?

Somewhere within the demolished airport building, though, I hear a surviving loudspeaker crackle to life, Monokumace's voice distorted by the damage done to the speaker as it echoes around the ruined area.

"A-a b-body ha-a-as been d-discovered-d!"

We discovered Caim's body.  But where?  Deep inside me, I start to understand where.  ...everywhere.

"Oh my god." Iris pulls on his hair anxiously as his lavender eyes scan the area wildly. "Oh my god..."

"What the hell happened?" a voice calls out.  I don't turn around as I hear Will approach, a second set of footsteps following- Zeben's, most likely.

"Holy sh*t," comes Dana's voice as well, and I finally look to see her and Evangeline hurrying over as well.

I feel my handbook buzz in my pocket.  I have to look.  I have to look.  I don't want to, but I have to.  I pull my digital handbook out, take a deep breath, and power it on.

Case Report:

Name of Victim: Cooper Fields

Talent: Ultimate Steampunk Engineer

Time of Death: 1:17 PM

Cause of Death: Explosion

"So that's it, then?  Any evidence is just gone?" Will mumbles, his gaze sweeping over the scene. "What now?  There's nothing to analyze."

"I... I just can't believe this," Evangeline whispers.

"There has to be something, some evidence as to what happened," Zeben insists, taking a step in front of me towards the runway wreckage.

"Everything's destroyed.  No way any cameras survived all that," Dana tells him.

"This... this is all just a big accident, right?" I whisper.

No, that's wrong.  And I know it.

"It wasn't an accident," I say louder, mainly to myself. "Caim would never have made this big of a mistake.  He was the Ultimate Steampunk Engineer."

"So did he do it on purpose... or did someone else sabotage the plane he was working on?" Evangeline questions.

"If only the god damn cameras could tell us," Will grumbles.  He's shaking.

"Boo-hoo!  The cameras broke.  What a shame!" Monokumace suddenly pops out of the remains of the airport.

"Are you here to taunt us?" Dana snaps, narrowing her eyes.

"Nope!  But I could if you want.  It would take longer for me to tell you the big news I have, though," they reply.

"What news?" half of us ask in unison.

The headmaster snickers. "Well, all the camera footage was ruined in the explosion, but the audio saved!"

"Play the damn thing, then!" Will shouts, narrowing his amber eyes and taking a step towards them.

"Calm down," I hear Zeben mutter to him. "Before you get hurt."

Monokumace's head turns vaguely towards the direction of the two, but they don't say anything.  I do see the corners of their mouth twitch even further upwards slightly. 

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