Chapter Thirty-One

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Seeing a young man climb a tree of needles only to fall to his death hurt.  Seeing a young woman put herself out of her misery after discovering what happened to her brother hurt too.  Seeing another young man taste freedom before getting impaled also hurt.  But seeing a literal child two years younger than the next youngest in the class get a fate worse than death... 

Everyone is speechless.  Even Iris, whose twisted sense of balance should have given him satisfaction from seeing such a thing.  He looks... appalled.  I myself feel like I'm about to throw up, but then again, even if I wanted to, I haven't eaten anything in twenty-four hours.  I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat again after seeing Flauros suffer like that.  And the way his expression never changed even though he was clearly in pain... I don't know what that kid's gone through, but his strength is beyond admirable.  He looked death in the eye and didn't even flinch.

"What a pathetic waste of carbon!" Monokumace snickers as they return to the courtroom, removing their cultist robes. "I'm glad that weirdo's out of the way."

"YOU SICK SON OF A B*TCH!" Will shouts angrily, his eyes glittering with angry tears. "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!"

"But he was guilty, and as we all know, those that cause imbalance need to be dealt with.  Right, Iris?" the headmaster turns towards the flautist.

Iris is starting blankly into space, his face pale and his eyes wide. "I..."

Will has a hand over his eyes, but that just makes it even more obvious he's crying.  Evangeline is sniffling and wiping her nose on her skirt.  Dana's hands are shaking.  Caim's hands cover his mouth as he sobs loudly.  And Zeben... he looks like he wants to say something but can't.

Monokumace is laughing. "My goodness, the despair on your faces!  It's almost too much to bear!  Chill out, it was just a worthless kid who you'll forget about in due time.  Now go have fun around the island and get yourselves something to eat, you've earned it!"

Will is silent for a long moment, then suddenly throws his bag down and lunges towards Monokumace's throne.  Quickly, Zeben moves and grabs his arms, struggling to keep the angry videographer from lashing out at the headmaster.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" the brunette is screaming at Monokumace, the furious tears dripping down his face like broken raindrops.

"You can't do that, Will, they'll kill you.  Please, calm down," Zeben is begging him at the same time.

I don't know what to do.  A part of me wants to hurt Monokumace too- a very small part of me, but it's still there.  But even more so, I just want to curl up in a ball somewhere and stay like that for a long, long time.  I drag myself back over to the elevator, Will and Zeben's voices blocked out as the doors shut behind me.  Everything is wrong.  For the first time, I start to really understand what Iris feels like when something is so clearly not the way it should be.  Maybe his views really aren't all that far off from the norm after all.

I slowly trudge back to my cottage, where I just collapse on the floor from exhaustion.  I blink, and it's dark outside.  Huh.  My legs tremble with exhaustion as I slowly get to my feet, then stand there as I try to figure out what I should do.  I turn on the lamp at my desk and look at the wall, where I've stuck a collection of poems I've been working on.  None of them are that good, but in my tired eyes they look much better.  I squint as I try to reread some of them.

Th' gamble and th' all in

In th' roulette game o' life

Eyes may watch for a cheater

But fail to see th' knife

O' doctor, so glad thou came

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