Chapter Thirty-Two

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I wake up to a sharp knock at my door.  I groggily sit up in bed, my eyes burning as the sunlight stabs at my gaze.  Talk about a wake-up call.  I realize The Odyssey is still open on the blanket in front of me, so I set it aside as I get up and make my way to the bathroom.  Much to my dismay, the one piece of hair sticking out still won't stay down.  Ugh.  I give up and go to answer the door once a knock rings out again.  I open the door to see Caim standing there, looking up at me.  Some color returns to his face as he sees me.

"I was worried that something happened to you!" he exclaims. "It's nearly eleven o'clock!"

"What?" I must've slept through the morning announcement.  

"I mean, you're not the only one," Caim adds. "Will only just woke up, too, and nobody's seen Iris yet."

"Oh." I frown. "I'll go check on him."

"Awesome!  And then make sure you two go grab some food in the hotel lobby- Dana's been busy over in the kitchen now that we've got food again."

I walk with him off my patio, then part ways as I turn left and head down towards Iris's cottage.  It's quiet over on this side of the cottages.  Maybe it's because the flautist's cottage neighbors Furfur, Marzy, Sophie, and Rori's cottages, and they're all... y'know.  I step onto his patio and knock on the door.

"Iris?" I call.

No response.

That's never a good sign on this stupid island, so I knock again. "Iris, it's Azrael."

Still nothing.  I gently jiggle the doorhandle, only to find that it's unlocked.  Another really not good sign.  I take a deep breath, pray to the gods that I'm not going to find a dead body, and open the door.  

The cottage is a disaster.  Stuff is everywhere, I think a few things are broken, and Iris himself is sitting in the corner, his lavender eyes hazy.  I carefully approach, trying not to trigger any negative reactions.

"What... happened in here?" I ask quietly.

Iris looks up at me, his expression unreadable. "That... what we just saw... that wasn't balanced, Azrael.  That wasn't fair to him."

"I thought you think murdering a killer is justified," I remind him.

"...well, yes, it is, but... it was brutal, Azz.  It didn't seem justified, or balanced, even if the deaths technically balance each other out," he says, hands balling into fists. "And we don't even know if Flauros is the one who tried to kill me, so that person might still be roaming freely."

"How about we start by cleaning this place up?" I suggest, gesturing to the mess around us.

Iris looks around, blinking as his eyes adjust to his surroundings again. "Oh.  I... I did that."

He gets to his feet and begins to put things back where they were.  As I help my grabbing the trash bin and scooping up broken items, I reach under the bed for a broken pencil and instead feel some sort of fabric.  Curious, I set down the trash bin and use both hands to pull out the fabric.  I unfold it to find myself staring at a black-and-white varsity jacket, a red letter 'D' embroidered on the right side.

"What's this?" I call to Iris.

He stops folding clothes to come over and look. "I don't know.  I found it in my drawer and didn't think much of it.  I must've thrown it under there at some point."

"No offense, but I don't see you wearing something like this," I tell him as I hand him the jacket.

He rolls his eyes as he folds it back up and tucks it into a drawer. "None taken.  I don't see it, either."

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