Chapter Thirty-Three

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Iris and I stare at where Monokumace just stood. My mind has gone blank. First we've had three murderers and a saboteur, and now a traitor after we were so sure that we trusted the few classmates we have left? Who? I've gotten to know everyone here, and the idea that one of them has been lying to our faces... and helped trap us here... and does that mean they knew about the killing game and are just going along with it? Who would do that?

"Azrael," Iris says suddenly, and I turn to look at him.

He grabs my shoulder as he continues. "Tell me I can trust you."

I nod quickly. "Of course you can, Iris, I've been with you this whole time and-"

"No." He turns away, his shaky hands threatening fists. "I can't trust you. I... I can't trust anyone."

His tone shift is a signal that he's spiraling again, and so I take a careful step back.

"I can't ever trust anyone, can I?" he laughs as he starts towards the door. "...I'm starting to wonder if I'm the problem."

I watch as he leaves, unsure how to approach this. I sigh before deciding to leave the building as well. As I head back towards the central island, I pass by the street vendor stalls and notice that Iris must've left his mug there earlier. I grab it, figuring that I'll stop by the kitchen and drop it off. Whatever's inside of it is not only unfinished but smells fantastic. If I had to guess, it's some kind of soup. Chicken, maybe? I don't know my kinds of soup very well.

I swirl the contents around in the mug anxiously as I make my way back across the rope bridge. I hope that Iris and I were the only ones who had an issue after the announcement. Surely Zeben was right and we all remember how important it is to stick together. The silence over the island as I pass by the statue on the central island, however, says otherwise. Even the trees refuse to rustle, and the birds are wary of each other. It's like everything is split.

As I enter the hotel lobby, though, I hear someone suddenly stop what they're doing in the kitchen, and I see Dana peek out as I approach. There's a flicker of uncertainly in her eyes for a moment, but she brushes it off and smiles.

"Hey, Azz, whatcha got for me?" she asks as I enter through the doorway.

"This was Iris's," I respond, handing her the mug.

She glances inside and frowns. "He promised me he'd finish it."

"He left it on the fifth island after he ran off somewhere," I tell her.

"Still, he needs to finish this. Can you get it to him?" There's a hint of desperation in her gaze.

I shrug, taking the mug back. "Sure. But, uh, why's it so important he finishes the soup?"

"That's between me and him." Dana stops and sighs, realizing how this might come off due to our current situation, before confessing, "He needs it, Azrael. It's the only way anything's getting into that poor body of his."

I consider her words for a moment, my heart sinking with realization. "Oh. Okay, I'll go find him,"

As I exit the hotel lobby and make my way down the line of cottages, I run into Caim, who's carrying armfuls of materials.

"Eek! Sorry!" he squeals as he nearly clubs me in the face with an effing blowtorch.

"No worries," I reassure him, even though things could've just ended really badly.

The engineer adjusts the materials in his arms as he says, "Had to get some other things from my room. I have to be fully prepared, y'know?"

"What kind of engineering requires a blowtorch?" I nod to the item that nearly clocked me in the head.

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