Chapter Thirteen

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"Let's start simple," Stolas announces. "The location and the full report on the injuries. Marzy?"

"Of course." Marzy clears his throat. "The body was found in the Pharmacy, with severe blunt force trauma that had quite obviously become penetration trauma after a few hits against the shelf. The only blood found on En's body was on the head and face. The rest of the body was clean. And judging by the positioning of the injuries, En would have been facing the shelves, most likely meaning that they were caught by surprise."

"What were they doing down there in the first place, though?" Caim asks.

"Yeah, the time of death was pretty late at night. And how would the killer have known they would be going down there?" Furfur adds.

"We actually figured that out upon searching En's cottage," Evangeline answers, removing the note from her pocket.

"What's that?" Azrael leans forward on his podium in attempt to get a better look.

"It's a note we found for En. It gave them the time and location to meet their killer," Dana explains. "We can assume that they went down to the Pharmacy for that reason."

"But why would they go in the first place? If anything, they should have brought someone with them," Iris comments.

"You know how En is. The note was mocking their Ultimate and taking a jab at their skills, and they would not have such a thing," Stolas says.

"Damn, what did it say?" Furfur questions.

Evangeline smooths out the letter and reads, "You've played your cards, and now I'll play mine."

"Sounds like En got pissed that the writer was suggesting something about their abilities," Marzy says.

"Okay, so En received a letter to meet someone at the Pharmacy," I repeat, making sure that we're all on the same page. "Then they must've gotten there before the culprit, because they were taken by surprise."

"This also means that our chess board culprit had to have somehow known about this whole exchange, because there was just simply no way for someone to have come across it this morning given the chess board was already missing from the lobby," Stolas confirms. "And after that, I stood watch nearby to make sure every single person came out of their cottage.  Which everyone did, so the culprit would only have known about the body if they had seen the events go down themself."

"Alright." Furfur slams her hands on her podium. "Anyone wanna come clean?"

"Do you really think they will come clean?" Stolas retorts.  Furfur crosses her arms and looks away.

"Right, well," I say, attempting to break the tension, "We know how En got down there and how they were killed.  But there's some other things that aren't accounted for just yet."

"Correct," Stolas agrees. "It appears that when En's head was hit against the shelf, some of the bottles fell.  And our killer took the time to reorganize them exactly where they should have been.  We know this because of the faint traces of blood on some of the bottles."

"Maybe the killer was just trying to clean up the scene?" Caim suggests.

"Why would they take so much time to do that, though?" Iris reminds him.

"I mean, everyone was asleep, so they definitely could have taken their sweet time," Dana shrugs.

"Why clean up the scene in the first place, though?" Will asks, confusion present in his expression.

"Maybe the killer's just a clean freak," Zeben offers.

"I mean, I put stuff back out of habit if it falls," Dana agrees. "Not that it was me or anything."

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