Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The first thing I see when I make it to the second floor is a pool.  Or at least, a hallway leading to a door labeled "POOL".  I'm not a fan of water, or swimming, so I decide to proceed no further down that way.  It reminds me of when Stolas grabbed me and Iris at the beach and dumped us in the water.  It sucked, but it's funny to think about now.  In fact, I'm starting to realize what I'd give to relive that beach day just one more time.  I take a deep breath and turn to continue down the hallway to my right instead.  There seems to be a common area off to one side, and I find myself standing in front of a door labeled "LIBRARY" after a few moments.  Hm, I think this might be a library.  I pull the handle and open the door, slipping inside.

The walls are lined with completely-filled bookshelves, and Dana is sitting at a desk, reading something.

"What're you looking at?" I ask her.

She holds up an envelope. "Some letter regarding something about the school closing for purposes that are way too vague.  Weird, though- if it closed, why didn't we hear about it before the first day?"

"Maybe it's an old letter or something."

Dana shrugs. "Yeah, must be."

She tucks the letter back into the envelope and gets up from her chair. "This is all so strange.  Why on earth would any of this be here?  What's the purpose of all this?"

"I don't know, but there's no one else here, that's for sure," I say, then add, "Want to explore together?"

"Yeah, sure." We exit the library together and make out way down the rest of the second floor hallway.  Unfortunately, there isn't anything else interesting, so we end up walking back pretty quickly.

"I came right up here, was there anything interesting down the hallway on the first floor?" she asks me.

"Dorms, dining hall, bathhouse..." I pause, trying to recall what else. "And the trash room plus some bathrooms."

"Oh, so a lot."


"Well, I'll check it out later.  How's about we go to the third floor?" Dana motions to another stairwell leading up to the next floor.

"Sounds good," I agree, following her as we ascend the staircase.

The third floor consists of an art room, a laboratory, and several classrooms.  The fourth floor is a bit more interesting, with another lab and an auditorium of sorts in addition to a few classrooms.  That plus a small, strange room with a wall lined with screens, a locked door filling the far wall.  The lab is the most unsettling part, and neither of us says a word as we stare inside at the trashed room, and the bloodstains on the floor and a nearby table.  Glass is scattered everywhere, from both a broken cabinet window and from a pair of smash glasses on the floor.  The scene is oddly familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.  So we just stand there, staring until we force ourselves to leave.

"Wait, I think we missed this," Dana calls to me as we're about to head to the next stairwell.

I walk over to her and peer with her down a hallway I hadn't noticed.  There's a few doors, but one of them ends up being unlocked.  It's the one with a golden plaque that must've once read 'HEADMASTER' but is now sprayed over with bright red spray paint in the design of Monokumace's red eye.  I shudder involuntarily as I turn the doorknob and push open the door.

It's definitely an office for a headmaster, that's for sure.  Dana takes to fishing through the desk while I turn my attention to a box of tapes on a shelf.

"Hey, these are us," she suddenly speaks, holding up a stack of files before flipping one open. "Andrade, RoriDate of birth: August 10th.  Ultimate Talent: Ultimate Wilderness Survivalist.  ...Status: Dead."

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