Chapter Twenty-Four

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The forty-eight hours after Stolas, Furfur, and Marzy's deaths are quiet. I know I'm an introvert and all, but there is such a thing as too quiet. It's the quiet that lingers in the air when bad things have happened and everyone is constantly thinking about them. Honestly, I'm looking for any excuse to break the silence at this point. I think I'm gonna go crazy if I have to keep playing the same three songs in my head on loop in order to have something noisy in my life. Yikes.

I find Evangeline at Jabberwock Park on the central island. She has a small pitcher of water that she's using to hydrate the flowers decorating the park. She's so lost in her craft that I just stand there for a minute, not wanting to interrupt. She has a peaceful smile on her lips, as if nothing has happened and everything's okay. I decide to not bother her and turn to leave when I hear her say:

"Sophie! I didn't see you there. I'm sorry, I was just so busy with the flowers!"

I look over my shoulder to see her scrambling to her feet and dusting off her skirt before gently plucking her pitcher of water from the ground and hurrying over to my side.

"I didn't mean to bother you," I apologize. "I was just passing by and saw you here, that's all."

"No, no, it's quite alright," she laughs. "It is quite a lonesome task, so I'm grateful for an excuse to take a break."

"Anywhere you'd like to go?" I offer.

Evangeline shakes her head. "No, but thank you for asking. How about you?"

"Nah, no preference. Hey, maybe we can go look for-" I freeze in my tracks.

She reads my expression and frowns. "You were going to say Furfur, weren't you?"

"Yeah," I admit. "It's already been a few days; I'm not sure why I still keep messing that up."

In reality, I do know. I miss Furfur a lot. She was such a fun, bad*ss person, and sexy as hell- I mean what... Anyways, I really miss her. It's hard to believe that she's gone.

"I know," Evangeline says suddenly.

I look over at her, "Wait, what?"

She gives a friendly smile as she adds, "You made that face. You miss her, I can tell."

I sigh. "Yeah. You're right. I do."

I shake it off quickly and ask, "Are the ruins all clear?"

"Indeed. There were not many cases of harmful plants there, but there was some poison ivy that needed to be discarded."

"That's nice to know."

We stand there in silence for a moment.

"Uhuhu, you all don't look very busy! May I interest you in... a fourth island? Please, go enjoy yourselves! Take your minds off of everything that's been happening!"

Ace's words linger in the air for another second after the loudspeaker cuts out.

"Fourth island?" Evangeline repeats.

I look over towards where the fourth bridge is, un fact no longer blocked off. In the distance is...

"Oh my goodness!" Evangeline exclaims, her eyes wide. "Am I seeing things?"

"Nope," I tell her. There is, in fact, what looks like a miniature Disneyland in the distance.

"Holy cow!" someone yells from behind us. I glance behind me to see Dana and Caim hurrying over.

"That looks so cool!" Caim exclaims, pointing at the island.

"What's going on over here?" Will asks as he and Zeben approach.

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